Lost at Sea, A Double-Drabble

Mar 04, 2013 07:19

Lost At Sea, A Double Drabble

Summary: A child’s drowning at his uncle’s hands would kick up a fuss. Snape hated being involved in fusses.

For malic-ba.

Severus hated fusses and commotions. So he disillusioned himself and his dripping, unconscious burden before approaching the gesticulating family clustered at the end of the pier.

At least they’d had enough sense to cast Muggle-repelling charms. What they were saying still floated, disastrously loudly, through the salt air.

“Not ABLE to, Algernon, surely he’s established that? You might have drowned him!”

The figure being harangued by his family stood straight and proud before them, though. “Any Longbottom worth our name could float himself to shore!”

Severus looked down at the body in his arms and reviewed Pureblood practices.

None of the relatives berating this Algernon had tried Snape’s simple Accio. Nor were they troubling to try to rescue the child before establishing that they personally were not complicit in their Squib’s death.

It was all too disastrously clear what the whole family really wanted.

As it had been clear, in retrospect, what Tobias Snape had been trying to shape with his clumsy blows.

A normal son.

Severus looked at the waterline, calculating. The tide was running out rapidly now. A body might well be lost at sea.

He glanced down again at the child, and pivoted sharply on his heel.

neville, harry potter fanfic, severus

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