Cyanide Tooth, a Drabble

Jan 29, 2013 14:25

Summary: Albus sometimes used his brother for the dirty work.

Aberforth almost jerked his wand away when he heard the third clause.

“And … should the Dark Lord or his followers invade your very mind… will you still hold inviolate the secret you’ve pledged to keep?”


But not quite, and red flames spiraled, binding the white-faced boy’s arm irrevocably to his brother’s.


Aberforth did turn on Albus afterward, shouting, “And you’ve considered, have you, Albus, that this boy will now die if he gives up your precious secret involuntarily, even unknowingly?”

But it was the boy-the young man-- who responded.

Black eyes held Aberforth’s as Snape said, “Yes.”

harry potter fanfic, albus dumbledore, drabble, severus, aberforth

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