Rome ....and Mob rule. (funny inside, plz read)

Aug 08, 2007 20:06

I've recently had some troubles in my Star Wars Galaxies ..dealings?

Log story short...I lead a political coupe (sp)? 
I organized and rallied all the members I needed, over threw the current guild leader in a last second election on the city term, stole our year old city for myself and my new members, formed a new guild......and ended up taking every last one of our 49 players with me...leaving the original mayor and guild leader to play with his 3 accounts and 6 toons all by his lonesome.
It wasn't easy . It's been in the works for more then a month now. I had to inch my way in and take hold bit by bit, player by player, one little step at a time..until the moment was right...and then strike hard as hell..all in one shot. Tricky to say the least...but fun as fuck!
I'm like Castro..or one of the guys with the killer last names in a former soviet contry that ends in Stzan or some shit?
You ever think that 49..actual real people(all adults) who play a game on line..would be willing to follow my lead? Concidering the amount of time these people play..I'm thier new virtual president. Half thier lives are spent in the real quarter of it they have to waste on sleeping...but the last part BELONGS TO ME!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

wow. I toppled a government complete with senators/officers, shit all over well thought out policies and regulations, guide lines, tutorials, months and months of hard work by several individuals, numerous all nighters to construct and design a city, a year of hard work and recruitment to build a metropolis of players and a city, exillied the leader and usurped his position of authority, stole his entire guild of friends and followers to form my own..... and .....FEEL GRRRRRREAT!

The time of the RNGR's is over....LONG LIVE THE SPARTANS!

here's one of my last mail's to him regarding a housing issue, the over all situation and what I think of him personaly.

""The wishes of the moderators" HA! 
You want to be a prick...go ahead. I can do that you well know. After what just went sure you want to fuck with me again?
Do yourself a favor..ban me from thsi shit site and all the rest of MY men....I think you know the names by now.

That was petty...childish and very amateur like...I thought you looked down on that kind of behavior?

Warn me for "starting trouble" cause I ask a guy to move his houses? Come on now! You know you did it to fuck with me..cause you're still sad inside..about losing everything...aren't you?  :(

/throw down gauntlet

"Let the war of pettiness BEGIN!!!"

:lol: stop being such a silly skippy.

and get the fuck off my back while you're at it.

You want to carry a grudge..thats cool and the gang..cause you'll be the only one. I've moved on..and quickly..along with EVERYONE else who came with me. (wich IS everyone).
 Citizenship is up to metro status (something that you could not accomplish ...even after a year..and I've done it in 2 weeks!) in soon to be old Fort B. 
I'm guilding new members every other day. Now that your dated and defunct bullshit policies are out of the way...we grow daily. 
There are toons to grind in groups. People working together and being happy...imagine that shit? People talking and having fun on TS. Crafters ...after a fucking year...finaly have a market  place for all our vendors. Tons of people are working on various guild projects. We are even involved in p.o.b space fun. Even AJ is being a stand up guy about the whole city transfer process. If ANYONE has the right to be a dick to me about even the littlest thing it's him...not you.
 It's all moving right along.
Now you can still get shity if you want....and flex your forum mod peen just to be petty....but it isn't going to change a mother fucking thing. The city is still going to be mine, ALL the players will still be following me, and you being a petty little dick about minute details isn't going to do shit.

As I'm sure you know, politics can be a brutal business...but it is still business ....none the less.
Regimes are overthrown, goverments topple, cities crumble, the social climates shift from one extreme to the next on a whim. Leaders, presidents, dictators, prime ministers, Ceasars.. get killed, lose the election, are impeached or simply resign from office.
BUT the one thing that remains is the Mob..and ultimately , regardless of what we would love to think ..that our ideas and lofty ambitions for the greater good, society as a whole, and our dreams of building something that will last as we would see it...are all subject to the feverishly fluctuating desires of the Mob..time... and change.
You can stand around today...and dream of Rome...but what made the city great to begin with gone.
All you can do is ..start over..rebuild..and move forward.
Grudges are for the dead...cause only they ...have the time to spend carrying them.
Now grow a pair of balls...move the fucking houses..and stop being a bitch.
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