trans convo from LWord

Mar 10, 2008 22:26

 for the ignorant fuck from my ex Lword community that decided to go on my journal and bring to everyones attention in the community that I am a junkie/ recovering junkie....

fuck you.

you know nothing about me.  Because you disagreed with something i said about trans people you need to tell everyone im a junkie? You are pathetic not me. 
I wasnt being rude, you misinterpreted what i said. Iv e asked other people I know and they feel the same way as i do.
It takes way more than a mindset to be a woman. And it is insulting to me that  other women think that an operation and a mindset makes you a woman.

Never once did I say i HATE transexual people. Dont put fucking words in my mouth. God forbid someone have an argument and have an idea that most people dont agree with. FUCK YOU.

My "mind set" is just fine.  Go fuck yourself
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