Special salutations to my two newest LJ friends--
comixologist and
bornofstars who added me for almost the exact opposite reason. But the inexplicably royal WE is glad that you are here.
Let's play a game!! I'm bored and I haven't really been interacting with you guys as much as of late. Taken from
lassarina, who should have married Locke when she had the chance.
Basic rules of the game, if you're unfamiliar: You pick three characters. Any fandom I'm remotely familiar with is good. I then have to choose one of them to screw, one to marry, and one to throw off a cliff.
To make this equally fun on both sides, I will also say that after I've finished explaining my choices, I'll give a set of three back to you. You can then do the same, and we go on like that until one of us gets bored or distracted by something else!