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May 29, 2008 11:29

This is a meme post. This is pretty much only a meme post. Next time: secret thoughts on Jimmy Olsen!!

analogic tagged me for this a while ago.

1. Think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself. And they've gotta be true ( Read more... )

ike fights for his friends!, alexander hamilton, when memes attack!, reformation theology strikes again, choose life choose tophats

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peaceinyou May 29 2008, 23:17:45 UTC
Oh man, 2 for 5! :P Tough, tough. But whoa, 1 is really cool then. Would you elaborate on the story? :D (I'm sorry for asking you to elaborate on everything, haha. I love clarification. :o) I'm going to guess on another three. Ummmmm. 3, 12, 19? I'm not very confident on these, though. :o

Oh, P.S., would you do 18? Carlisle fascinates me. I saw a brief fic somewhere because one of my friends recommended this author on LJ and I wanted to read one of her stories but I didn't know any of the other fandoms so I read one adding to the scene of how Carlisle and Edward met, and I really liked it.

LOL, fandoms are so amusing. :D *hides*

Aww, okay, haha. :D I remember I really liked Squall when my brother played FFVIII years ago, but I don't remember it too well. Actually, whenever I read your LJ, I feel like playing Final Fantasy / Kingdom Hearts again. But my brother let someone borrow FFVII and FFVIII and apparently he hasn't returned it in a year or something. >.>
Ohhh, LOL, I see. I'm very much an amateur with the earlier Final Fantasies, haha.

Whoa. How long was the plane ride? BUT YAY FOR SUN AND BEACHES. :D

All righty, that sounds excellent! :D I'm glad you know the canon really well, since I don't. And duh, I think I should have expected you'd know that canon perfectly, haha. ;) You can e-mail it to me, I guess? seagapo @ gmail :D


terra May 30 2008, 01:08:34 UTC
3 + 12 are false, good job :D My house caught on fire once when I was babysitting ++ IN CHARGE, so I had to get everyone out and keep they away from the fire. It wasn't a very big fire though, but still kind of scary.

I am definitely interested in doing 18, so we'll see :D I mean, it's one thing to want to write something and another thing to write it, you know? But if I do I'll definitely let you (and rydia hahaa) know.

Yeah the earlier FFs are my favorite, obviously, but I like the later ones too. Squall is just easy to make fun of, but I like him. Laguna's my favorite though :D

Like, five and a half hours. D: Icky!

I don't know all canons perfectly, but this one I feel I do. I'll try to enclose a note for setting and stuff in the fic when I send it to you :)


peaceinyou May 30 2008, 01:44:33 UTC
Oh hooray! :D I don't know what remains. Um--4? :p *determined!*
Wow, that does sound scary. :O And yay for you--you're officially a superhero. :D Alex, Rescuer of Children and Master of Fire Evasion. :D

Ahhh, that would be so awesome! :) And yeah, it's definitely very different. I have so many plot ideas in my head, but I'm ashamed to say I've written very few of them, ugh. :/ But lol, hooray! :D I'm glad we shall know if you do write it. :)

Hahahaha. :D And oh my goodness, I love Laguna, too. :O He's the type of character that I tend to love--seems a little more reserved, but really sweet and nice and fascinating. (I'm not sure if those are the right words to describe him, since it's been so long. But I remember I really liked him.)

Whoa. :O Were there any sunrises/sunsets during your flight? I love watching those from planes. :D They make the plane rides so nice.

I think that is awesome. :D But yay, thank you! :)


terra May 30 2008, 01:57:21 UTC
4 is true. I like Dr. Strange a lot, his comics had really good art and he says stuff like "By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggath!!"

I would have to do research, but this idea excites me because I am a neeerrrd. I just really like the setting of seventeenth century London, I really wish Meyer had elaborated on it.

Laguna!!! :D He is really sweet and nice and fascinating. Also he has a machine gun.

There was at the very end. You're right, sunsets are very nice from the plane, when you can see them from above the clouds.


peaceinyou May 30 2008, 02:41:38 UTC
LOL/Oh man. :( Haha, um--5?

Hahaha, yes! Seventeenth century London sounds fascinating. I would have loved it if Meyer had elaborated on it, but perhaps it is better that the task is left to you. ;)

Hahahaha yay! And yes, I remember: "The Man with the Machine Gun", his theme song, right? :D

Oh, lovely! :D Yeah, I love being able to look out of those teeny tiny windows and seeing something huge and spectacular. :O


terra May 30 2008, 05:19:55 UTC
Also true! But if you keep going you'll get it eventually.

Yeah, I was thinking maybe it's best if Meyer didn't go into it, considering her strengths :) Ahaha, but now I'm planning out this story in my head.

:D Yep, it's a pretty sweet theme song.


peaceinyou May 30 2008, 20:54:50 UTC
11? D: I don't know because all of them sound like they could be true, hahaha. Man, this is tough. :P

Hahaha, well-said. :D And yay, I'm glad you've started thinking about it more. :D

Yeah! :) I still remember the melody for that one.


terra May 31 2008, 04:49:53 UTC
Aaaand now I've got that song stuck in my head. 11 is true too, sorry D:


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