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May 29, 2008 11:29

This is a meme post. This is pretty much only a meme post. Next time: secret thoughts on Jimmy Olsen!!

analogic tagged me for this a while ago.

1. Think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself. And they've gotta be true.
2. Come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of believability.
3. Jumble them all up together and list them in any order.
4. Post them on LJ and let people guess which the five false ones are!
5. Get 5 others to do the same.

1. One time I rescued children from a burning building. I am very much a superhero.

2. My middle name is Anne. It speaks to my awesome.

3. I can play the fife. This is the fault of historical nerdery.

4. Dr. Strange is my favorite Avenger Marvel character. (He shouldn't be an Avenger though.)

5. If I were a boy my parents would have named me Christopher.

6. I've been playing a lot of Brawl and using Ike, violating my own "Fire Emblem is Cheap" axiom. I think my friends are hating me for winning so much. But, but, BANDANA.

7. I have seen the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie at least seven times. I am more upset about killing off Huck Finn than all the righteous bastardization of source material and/or Great Literature.

8. The X-men suck. Deal with it.

9. I think I'm a pretty good webdesigner, and funny, and actually pretty awesome, but I am deeply unconfident about my writing and art.

10. In the margins of my history notes, I write/draw crossovers between whatever I'm studying and videogames. Godwin = Godwin Y/Y??

11. Secretly, I think Aaron Burr doesn't deserve a lot of the flak he gets.

12. I think the Anita Blake books are terrible, but I've read every one.

13. I'm pretty sure if I lived back then I'd be a Calvinist. Things like Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God really get me, in some profound way I can't fully express.

14. When I was like ten I would play Final Fantasy with this sparkly baton thing. It was pink and had glitter tassels, and it resembled nothing in Final Fantasy, but in my warped child mind it meant I was an esper or something.

15. I like to quote things in other languages I don't understand. It makes me feel disgusting and academic.

16. Riley was actually my favorite Buffy love interest.

17. Large fandoms intimidate me, it's why I never got into Harry Potter. I'm scared they'll eat me up and spit me out or something.

18. I really want to write some elaborate backstory for Carlisle Cullen, centering around the English reformation and religious tensions in seventeenth century London, but I'm pretty sure this would make me a hopeless loser from all corners and trying to write, like, ideas into Twilight will ruin everything.

19. Sometimes I want to come up with a new alias and start the whole web thing over again, and not tell anybody. I sort of wish I had a secret identity like that.

20. You know who I hate? Locke Cole.

Circle of icon squee courtesy of proglution. Tell me if you want me to pick some out!

  • This is Amano!Locke, my favorite illustration of him. It's actually taken directly from the layout on valiant knife, I just selective colored it into the land of green. His illustrations in the original Final Fantasy III strategy guide were one of the reasons I fell in love with the game.
  • This is an illustration I just found really pretty. It's a knight! I love knights!! They wear shiny things and do random acts of gallantry!
  • Okay, long story, but: wagamamajuliet and I decided that the only PS3 remake of Final Fantasy VII we'd be supporting is one where everybody, everybody wears top hats. lalaloveppears recently added the stipulation of at least one (1) musical number. Then, some months later, I was laughing at the IGN message boards with gamera. You see, when they made their most recent Top 100 Games List, Final Fantasy VII was only in the seventies. A CRIME AGAINST BOTH GAMES AND ~*HUMANITY*~
    Final Fantasy VII should have been alot higher, at lest at number 30 look at some of the things it did.

    1. It was the first Final Fantasy in Europe.

    2. It is one of the most influential titles in the history of video games.

    3. It si one of the 10 most important games.

    4. It was the first game to have FMV.

    5. One for the best stroy lines in a game evr.

    6. I s the most knowen Final Fantasy title.

    7. Made RPG popular in American and Europe.

    8. It has been called the game that killed the nintendo.

    Then one intrepid fan decided to add something to that list:

    let me add 10. Made a lot of people learn how to cry

    If that does not give it a spot in the top 10, I do not know want does.

    Resulting in the icon, and the following conversation:
    2:02:30 PM terra: :( Clearly tophats need to enter the picture.
    2:03:49 PM gamera: They fix everything!
    2:03:52 PM gamera: They teach people to cry!
  • Washington's cabinet: Knox, Randolph, Jefferson, Hamilton. The sexiest of political bodies. I love American history and especially this exact part in it so, icon.

  • Random drive-by life updates: I am in Hawaii on vacation :D Time changes make it so I wake up early even when I sleep in! I signed up for two summer classes: one on historical novels, and one about comics that's taught by an editor at Dark Horse. So, a summer full of neeeeerd. I've been playing Wild Arms: ACF as of late, and I'm enjoying it-- I like the battle system and the amount of interaction you have with the dungeons. Could use more tight pants though.

    Edit: Is anyone interested in betaing something FFVI for me? Short gen-type story.

ike fights for his friends!, alexander hamilton, when memes attack!, reformation theology strikes again, choose life choose tophats

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