Fine, fine, I'll talk about Bucky.

Mar 17, 2008 16:28

That's right kids, it's meme time again!! But first because it occurs to me many people are unfamiliar with the First Church of Lezard Valeth and this particular subject of my fangirl self. Who is Lezard? Why is his RPG religion better than any other RPG religion? Well, I think I can help explain. With SCIENCE.

Notice how his positioning on the graph gives Lezard a win level of over 9000.

(But seriously, Lezard is a recurring Valkyrie Profile character. He's like Harry Potter, but if Harry Potter majored in CREEPY STALKING and BECOMING A GOD instead of World Saving or Dropping Out.)

From rydia:
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick three of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

She chose three with the comment "I'm just giving you an excuse to talk about Suikoden and Bucky again, because it entertains me. :D" :D is the emoticon of extreme sadism. @#$%ing Bucky. But Suikoden's fine, so let's start with that.

So this is Nash and Chris, two of my favorite Suikoden characters, which is why I was iconing the image in the first place. A burst of inspiration and sudden discovery of the shape tool got me to add the "I win" text, which kind of sums up Nash's personality and his awesomeness. Except for the fact that no winner winds up married to Sierra and Sasarai's personal biatch. Oops. Sorry Nash, but your princess is in another castle. But speaking of Sasarai and bitches...

One of my friends posted this image of Luc and Sasarai in the pimpmobile you see here, and asked me to icon it. HOW COULD I REFUSE?! It doesn't matter if Luc and Sasarai are the fruitiest 5'5" whiteboys clone vessels this side of the Holy City of Rupanda, they're victims of racial profiling just like everyone else. It must be Sasarai's hat. His marvelous, marvelous hat.

I think it was Family Guy that started the whole craze where "In Soviet Russia, object verbs you!" And Bucky was actually all evil in Soviet Russia, so this makes sense about as much as comics do. I'm silly and find myself clever at times. MORE ON THIS LATER.

So one thing I really like doing is talking about my livejournal interests, so when noctem was doing this explainy meme so she wouldn't have to write a Lit essay, I happily complied. Now with extra load time.

1. catholic!vampire!batman (and friends) So, Astro City is basically this big homage to other, more well-known comics. And the Confessions arc-- starring the Confessor and Altar Boy-- is maybe my favorite comic thing ever, because it takes things I like in comics-- sidekicks, legacy heroes, and BATMAN-- then improves upon them by adding the elements of CATHOLICISM and VAMPIRES!! That is my buttons being pushed, ladies and gentlemen. I feel like Catholic Vampire Batman is a concept that shouldn't need explanation as to why it's awesome.

In addition, this arc is just a damn (?!) fine comic that has that kind of sorrowful, hard-won morality as the Chronicles of Prydain does. I can't really explain it in words: it's just how I'd like to sound to my grandkids.

The (and friends) bit is for his young ward who I also like a lot, and to make it an Astro City interest in general. Hmmm. You can see some scans of early in the arc here.

2. sullying byron's (literary) reputation Lord Byron once rhymed jupiter with supider. STUPIDER. You know where you've heard that before?! "Girls go to Mars, to get more candy bars!! Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider!!" HAHAH LORD BYRON AND YOU CALL YOURSELF THE NAPOLEON OF RHYME. I had to put "literary" in there because if you just have "sullying byron's reputation" it just seems sexual. :O

3. things named percival If you name a character Percival, chances are high that I will flail and fling marriage proposals in their general fictional direction. I love the original Arthurian interpretation, I love the model Suikoden 3.0 even if he DOES wear an orange skirt (see also: zexen? mo' like sexen!) and why look, it's Percy Blakeney, a dude who runs around the French Revolution fighting people with swords and other assorted acts of daring-do. ASDIOHASLJ FLAIL FLAIL FLAIL MARRY ME NOW.

4.henry fielding's gratuitous self-insertion See, Henry Fielding wrote a novel called Tom Jones but it might as well be called Henry Fielding. He gives a chapter-length introduction to every part of the book, explaining how he feels about various foodstuffs, immortality, how whiny his kids are, and DID YOU KNOW HE WENT TO ETON?! HE'S TOTALLY EDUCATED IN, LIKE, LATIN GUYS. Seriously, every three pages he throws in this little "reminder" that he went to a fussy all-boys school and can speak LATIN unlike those OTHER novelists. It's great. I love him.

And here is the handout I made for my English presentation on Tom Jones. Not as good as the Herodotus one, but still.

5. All wizards should wear cravats and top hats. Don't pretend this isn't true. Can you think of a wizard who wouldn't be improved by a cravat or top hat? I sure can't. Doubles as a "Y YES, I READ CHRESTOMANCI" interest.

6. AARON BURR IS A DICKHEAD POOFACE!! See how much fun that was?! I like Alexander Hamilton a lot a lot and am a member of the "Hamilton for HAWT" livejournal community, so of course I'm not big on Aaron Burr. Who, like, shot him dead and stuff.

P.S. koenil, I found the animated Hamilton episodes, scooore. Also, everyone, tonight begins the John Adams mini-series by HBO, where Hamilton is being played by Rufus Sewell, who seems to mostly play jerks, so this should work out for him.

7. sidekicks turned cyborg assassin HA HA HA, so FUNNY STORY, Marvel comics decided it would be a good idea to bring back their longest-dead character-- Captain America's really lame underage sidekick Bucky, of the phrase "no one stays dead in comics except Bucky" because he was what comics have been MISSING ALL THESE YEARS. So, he returns as a Soviet cyborg assassin with long hair and a robot arm. NOT MAKING THIS UP NOT MAKING THIS UP.

Sad thing being after initially purchasing the comic so I could make fun of it, it turned out to be really good and now I am kind of a Bucky fangirl WHYYY?!?! (This was all previously recounted here.) But I really like this picture, the kid seems so happy to be driving a jeep.

After writing this entry out I got the idea to do a blow by blow of the next Captain America issue in the manner of my Spider-man 3 recap, but then I realized I could probably do it now, because some things have been pretty damn consistent since Captain America died 11 issues ago.

BUCKY: Beat someone up while narrating in head.

There are basically two types of Bucky monologues-- "I have to beat up all these guys!!" or "I'm NOT STEVE!!! *emo*"

TONY STARK: Stroke goatee.

DR. FAUSTUS: Has a beard.

Edit: From, like, everyone: Everyone has things they blog about. Everyone has things they don't blog about. Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don't blog about, but you'd like to hear about, and I'll respond via comments. Ask for anything: latest movie watched, last book read, political leanings, thoughts on fannish stuff, favorite type of underwear, the less touched-upon aspects of my life, etc. And then, repost this on your journal so that I can start asking too.

lezard still beats harry, alexander hamilton, nash latkje's shoes, things named 'percival', alex reads, suikoden, icons icons icons!!, @#$% you bucky barnes!!, the bitches love sasarai

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