The journal formerly known as...

Aug 22, 2006 11:08

fallingsparrow is now ellimere. Don't freak out and delete the strange person from your friends list.

As for why I changed, the old name was beginning to bother me. I still really like Hamlet, but the name was long and that slowly got to me. And, just felt like a change, is all. Also, it's a girl's name, and pretty.

Ellimere is most notably Sam's kind of stuck-up sister in the Old Kingdom series. She's very proud and sure of herself and she doesn't take no guff from no one. A minor character, but I like her a lot, and it goes with the Old Kingdom theme I have going on.

"I stand for Dyrim against you," Ellimere pronounced proudly, as if it were a challange to a duel. Her mark was drawn deliberately, like a line in the sand. Abhorsen, 348

Ellimere is also the name of one of Sabriel's school friends who died fighting Kerrigor. For the good 90% of my fanlist completely clueless, "Old Kingdom" is just the name I use for the Abhorsen Trilogy, a series of young adult books by Garth Nix. If you enjoy fighting zombies with the power of music, you should totally pick them up. The "9 Bright Shiner" thing is also from the same series- the nine are the standard ancient before the dawn of time creator race that come with most fantasy novels.

Sorry, limitbound, not evil :/ Or at least, not too evil.

So, I saw the ending of the Game that Shoud Probably Not Be Named, and, ahaha, I swear this is a direct transcript. As near verbatem as memory will allow.

The gang comes back together. Cloud uses his sword to cut through magic, Barrett and Tifa...fight things, Cid smokes, Reeve and Yuffie shoot rockets. Then they all come together for one of those Advent Children style split screen things.
The Gang: Vincent!
Vincent: (In Chaos mode, so he has evil glowy eyes and wings and crap) I guess I have no choice...I have to save the world.
The Gang: YEAH!

So, instead of his Mysterious Past teaching him a lesson about good and evil, he decides to save the world due to...peer pressure. It's brilliant!

I think I got the layout all working now, by the way, I kind of blatantly stole lalaloveppears's CSS, which I understand was learned from girlhello! Thanks for your unsuspecting help, ladies.

There was an article in the paper about various blog services and how you can set one up yourself. It's strange to see wordpress mentioned in the paper. Heck, it's strange to hear the word "blogger" out loud. It's also strange that though I've kept this LJ thing for quite a while, among other things, I don't consider myself a part of whatever they're calling the online journal community these days. When you hear about blogs on the news, they always seem so angry and political. And then when your friends talk about LJ offline, it's always in some midnight black, slit-wrist "Oh happy dagger!" context. I don't know exactly what to make of this here journalthing, but I know I don't identify with either picture.

adventures in interweb, old kingdom, dirge of cerberus

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