giving thanks

Nov 20, 2007 00:30

Well. It's 12:30 AM. Which means, technically, I leave for Montana tomorrow morning. It feels weird not to be going home for Thanksgiving. It will be strange not to watch Miracle on 34th Street with my Dad the night before. Watch the parade Thursday morning. Go to FIM and enjoy soup and watch Nutcracker rehearsals. Weird, but not bad. I'm excited to see Eric. And even though I'm not going back to my hometown, I'm still going home in a way. Being with him is home in away. Comfortable, but not too predictable. I'm looking forward to these few days with him so so much...

I have a lot in my life to be thankful for.

The way this weekend unfolded, for one. Well, mostly Friday night. Which was pretty amazing. Pretty wonderful. I'm thankful to have found something I love enough to want to spend the rest of my life doing just that. Creating art. Making dances. Working with movement and music and creating something out of nothing.

I'm thankful for my friends. Two years ago I hated Tallahassee. I lived in a perpetual state of homesickness and misery. I was pathetic. Now I have a family here. People I know I will stay connected with for the rest of my life. Because we have a common goal. We're in this together. We get one another. We are so alike, and so different, and I love them. And I'm thankful for the few friends I still have back home. They are loyal. They've stuck around through the hundreds of changes. The thousands of miles. And we're different people. But I know they're not going anywhere. I have people.

I'm thankful for my family. They're crazy and loud and over the top and goofy and quirky and talented and supportive and difficult and caring and I am 100% certain that I love them more than life itself and I'd be nothing without them.

I'm thankful for Eric. My best friend, the love of my life, the guy who pulls me back down when my head is too far up in the clouds, but makes sure I still get to spend some time up there too. The guy who fills in for all my shortcomings when I can't make up for them myself, who kisses me good night and good morning and good bye. Who holds my hand when I'm scared and takes me in his arms when I'm upset, who tells me when I'm being a pain in the ass, but won't hang up the phone without telling me he loves me. Who sends me flowers from 2700 miles away, and spends money he doesn't really have on plane tickets to see me. And his kisses still give me butterflies, and the smell of his cologne makes me smile. I'm thankful for him. I'm thankful for every moment I get to spend with him, and every moment I will. And I don't care that people will read this and maybe roll their eyes or call it sentimental.

When I was little, my Dad would read me the story "Goodnight Moon" before I went to bed- not every night, but pretty frequently. We would walk around the house afterward, and say goodnight to everything before I went to sleep.
"Goodnight doggie. Goodnight chair. Goodnight window. Goodnight tree. Goodnight TV. Goodnight door. Goodnight dolls. Goodnight bears. Goodnight Mama. Goodnight Daddy."
And sometimes, now, when I lay awake at night, trying to fall asleep, I play a variation on the game. Not "Goodnight," but "I love you."
"I love you Mom. I love you Dad. I love you Ben and Michael. I love you Bear. I love you dancers. I love you Tigers. I love you Diet Coke People. I love you sunshine. I love you music. I love you Eric."

I do.
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