update time

Dec 17, 2014 18:06

Okay, so, a bit of an update.

I did NaNo this year, twice, once with a novel-length story and once with several shorter stories that all together added up to 50k words. One of those shorter stories is currently being posted on my Patreon as a Christmas story in several parts. The full story will be available to everyone on LJ and fictionpress on Christmas day. The novel-length NaNo is still being posted to my Patreon only, though it has slowed down a bit since NaNo has finished. I do plan on finishing it, just a question of finding the time to do it.

With the winners codes from these NaNos I am most likely going to use them to self-publish Broken Guns via CreateSpace. Perhaps Tenebrism as well, if I can get it finished and up to the standards I want.

I also just submitted a story to LT3 Press for their villains anthology. I won't know if it's accepted until January, and again if it's not then I'll post it like a regular story. There's a second anthology for LT3 I'm also planning to submit to in January, so all my regular stories (like L&S) are still on hold until probably sometime in late January. I'm really sorry that I can't be providing a lot of free fiction like usual, but right now I am still unable to be employed due to health reasons and have to try and scrape together as much income as I possibly can with my one slightly viable skill.

I also have not abandoned the Teen Wolf fic, if anybody was ever reading that. I just have 249789573 things in front of it to get done first.

Meanwhile, enjoy some L&S art that I commissioned from itsonlythefirstdraft on tumblr, because I miss the characters and haven't been working on their stories since about August.

submissions, lt3, shop talk, updates

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