things that I've been doing/are doing/will do

Nov 04, 2014 13:51

Just to lay out what's been going on with me, writing wise. Firstly my computer crashed last night, and this leaves me pretty much unable to write and it also makes it incredibly hard to update ANY social media, let alone something like DW/LJ. Hopefully this gets fixed, I have no idea if it's possible, but naturally it's going to set me back. But these are the things I've been trying to do up until I lost the ability to do so:

attempting it. I'm writing two stories that are tailored for two of the upcoming LT3 serials and collections. One's deadline is the end of December, the other January, and I won't know until those deadlines hit if my stories are accepted. I don't have a lot of confidence, but due to ongoing health issues I'm throwing myself into this because I literally just need money. If these stories aren't accepted I'll post them like I would a regular one-shot, once the deadlines have passed and I know for sure.

I still have some plans to put things on Smashwords for super super cheap, such as the L&S High School AU. That story has been SUPER delayed because there are so many other things I've been working on, but it is about 60K now and planned to be between 90-110K. And I can't really overshoot that wordcount because it's very structured per character and chapter! I may also, if I win NaNo this year, use the CreateSpace winner code with Broken Guns. That story is nearly finished and would take little editing to make it acceptable (in my eyes) to publish.

attempting it as well again this year. I'm attempting to write (or was, before my computer crash) chronologically so that I can share the story as I write it, like I did with Polaris Breach in 2011 and attempted to do in 2013 with it's sequel. Those two NaNo projects were locked to DW/LJ, this year they're only available to read via donating to my Patreon. I feel kind of like a huge jerk doing it, but my financial situation is so horrendous that even if a few people donated just for a single month just to read the story, it would actually help me out. I don't expect people to do this, but that's why it's on Patreon. The story takes a lot of influence from Inuit culture and is loosely based on both some Inuit mythology and Little Red Riding Hood, and contains m/m and f/f and a itty bitty bit of het.

Other things:
I'm still working on the Tenebrism rewrites, Skiagraphia, and the rewrites of PSoG (this story is now called A Revolution Kind, so if you see me refer to that, it's just Pretty Shade of Grey in it's new renamed form). These have all gotten a bit of a backburner place though, just because of concentrating on the short stories for possible publication. Probably around the start of next year I'll really start to pick up the pace on these. PSoG/ARK is another one I might submit for publishing since it's always been my most popular story and it's a fluffy contemporary piece which I think has the most chance of getting picked up. The Tenebrism rewrites will spill right into Chiaroscuro rewrites, that story will basically come down immediately after Tenebrism is finished. Just a fair warning!

...and that's about it. Obviously a lot on my plate, and the computer crash has definitely fucked me over. I'm still not sure what's to be done about it, other than maybe going to a public library to write. But I'm pretty sure they're not going to condone gay fiction being written/accessed on public computers.

shop talk, updates, real life is a real place

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