Jan 20, 2007 00:38
Really odd dream this morning.
I'm back at my old HS with some old friends, (Rich, Dan Everett, Ron (my brother) and a few others who's faces are obscured. I think it's the Williams Brothers) anyway we are back stage sitting at some tables before a show. I am not sure why, we may be there for some kind of Alumni thing.
Anyway, the show starts, and we are all still on stage. Sure, we could bolt, but we dont - we are ad libbing and attempting to look like we are supposed to be there. Ron and Dan go off playing along (as background chars) attempting to get out on stage left, Rich and I head stage right. We attempt (and fail) to play through the damn song and dance that begins, but we can't seem to get out of the focus of the scene. We are dancing miserably, but we look like we are part of the show, just horribly inept. Normally I'd be horrified too, but it's supposed to be "the Worse High school Musical in the world" so I'm just laughing along. It's really bad too, the off key singing, the kid who falls into the pit headfirst into the tuba, the Ted Patton cartoonish sets; the score sounds like it's been written by PDQ Bach and Weird Al.
We cant get out through the wing, So I jump off the front of the stage (Rich behind me) only to find that they I'm STILL in the set (it appears to wrap around in a U shape) We keep moving back tword the exit. but the damn action is gong that way too. Finally, Wolfe is there, and he's trying to take a close up photo of the female lead, but he can't he's just laughing too hard.
And it's too bad that this really ends here. With an apology from me to my old theatre Prof, and he's beat red and attempting to get the laughter under control. "It's fine" he says "I'm surprised you two were able to stick with it for that long. you were great"
and I still havent an idea about what the hell we did was funny.