Jan 05, 2007 18:07
Being perpetually behind the times it'll come as no surprise that ive only just been to see the new Bond film.
Well, just being last night but you get the drift.
Throughly enjoyed it. At last a Bond who actually acts and looks as if he could kick your ass. I dont remember the Connery ones but Roger Moore, Dalton and Pierce Brosnan all wore a suit well but in terms of doing the slightest bit of damage to anyone below the age of 65 and in control of their own faculties without recieving a good shoeing in return seemed a little too improbable. Daniel Craig's good. Any Bond should be cold, detached, cynical, with a ruthless air and arrogant in the extreme. He fits the bill. Im looking forward to the next one.
I regard myself as a good tipper. In fact a good customer all round. Im unfussy, polite and as long as whatever i order eventually turns up, is actually dead, and bears a passing resemblence to what i wanted im happy enough. But, i refuse to tip at places where the entire arrangement is a buffet set up. The place we went to last night after watching Mr Bond, James Bond, was a buffet and in my opinion we being the customers do the majority of the work. The waiting staff seem to act as guides who point you in the right direction but dont really do shit. I was half expecting to have to clear the table myself before they'd let you splatter around the second course. My friends thought i was being tight but fuck that im not paying extra for someone to stand around pointing.
Bring me food and drink and yee shall be rewarded. Dont and yee wont.