Nov 08, 2007 11:18
I didn't have time this week to visit my mom and i felt horrible about it. I've been trying to keep myself busy with work so the week can go by fast. I've been working on the ambulances now and its a completely different experience. Instead of just hearing a voice and never being able to put a face to it, I am actually seeing the patients and interacting and "helping" them. I haven't had any critical calls yet, just minor medical problems. Some people call for silly stuff though, it gets pretty annoying. I've been seeing alot of people I know now that I am out there. For example, I saw an old friend at a Subway yesterday and she looked totally different. We talked for like five seconds though because I had a call to go to. It's always weird and awkward though when you see an old friend. You really don't know what to tell them or anything, it's like you lose everything that you had in common with that person. For example, that friend I saw, I said hi in english and asked her how she was doing, and she responded in spanish. So there I realized that most of my old friends that I lost touch with, like to talk spanish. They are all like deep blood mexicans, and its crazy that I don't have any friends like that anymore. And I can't see myself being friends with anyone like that anymore.
Anyway, I'm glad some friends will never change. Yesterday, I had a blast at Phillip's house. It was a great outlet to everything that is going on in my life right now. I guess everyone needs to socialize once in a while, and by socializing I mean getting drunk and stuff. And some more drunk that others (::coughMattcough::). either way, it was a good night, and I hope there are more to follow.