WoW Character Profiles 9/17: Scyllaine Wistoll

Sep 01, 2008 14:27

NAME: Scyllaine Wistoll


AGE: 37 (31 at death)

YOB: -10

HAIR: Purple; previously blonde

EYES: Glowing yellow; previously blue

SKIN: Purple-gray; previously tanned

RACE: Forsaken; formerly Human

CALLING: Warrior

ALLEGIANCE: Horde; former Guard of Lordaeron

Mother - Evalline Merith (deceased)
Father - Conard Wistoll (deceased)
Brother, elder - Wroston Wistoll (deceased)
Sister, elder - Ellana Wistoll (deceased)
Brother, younger - Sigrund Wistoll (believed alive)

PERSONALITY: A tough, outspoken woman with a sharp tongue but cursed since her revival as a Forsaken to be without her voice.

HISTORY: Born in Lordaeron, she grew up amongst a family that had been amongst the Lordaeron Guard for several generations.  Only her brothers were expected to follow in the tradition but when Wroston showed an adeptness for magic that had him accepted into the ranks of Dalaran and Sigrund begged his way into being an apothecary's apprentice, it fell to her since her sister was already married and with her first child.

She was an adept Guard and one of the few women that ever managed to be accepted.  Even though she was deliberately kept amongst the lower ranks by those who did not believe a woman should be amongst them, it was well known that she was one of the best.  Amongst these conditions she learned well how to fend for herself and grew not only stronger than some of the men she served alongside but also had a far more biting tongue with a wide range of foul language.

When the Plague came and the city fell, her parents were within its walls and were amongst the first to fall.  Under orders she fought until her company was decimated and it was known that she carried the Plague herself thanks to an accident amongst shipments of grain.  Given leave, she went to her sister's home to find them all just clinging to life but glad of the news that Sigrund had been amongst the few to escape from Lordaeron.  Until the Plague actually killed her, she wandered the countryside killing Scourge where she could, content in the knowledge that her brothers - one far away and the other safe in Dalaran - would survive.

After her control was returned to her, she was horrified to discover that not only had her throat been torn out then sewn back together by the Forsaken that had recovered her body but that Dalaran had been destroyed.  All she could do was scream in garbled, wordless agony as she realized her entire family was likely dead.  Over some time, however, she pushed herself into finding some meaning in life and began hunting down remaining remnants of the Scourge wherever she found them.  She has also been making anonymous queries and searches for Sigrund amongst the Alliance but has yet to find any news of him though there is still hope.

QUOTE: “I have lost speech but my life, even as it is, still flickers in this shell and I will survive.”  (written on a note)

game: world of warcrack, wow char: scyllaine wistoll, character profiles

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