WoW Character Profiles 8/17: Raeden Blackfield

Sep 01, 2008 14:09

NAME: Raeden Blackfield


AGE: 41 (36 at death)

YOB: -15

HAIR: Brown-black

EYES: None; previously brown

SKIN: Gray; previously pale

RACE: Forsaken; formerly Human


ALLEGIANCE: Horde; formerly Dalaran

Mother - Isana Warren (deceased)
Father - Argan Blackfield (believed alive)

PERSONALITY: A scholar with a sarcastic wit.  Strangely unbitter about being turned away by those that were his former companions - he finds he can understand their reasoning and accepts it.

HISTORY: He has not said much of his past except that he was a citizen of Lordaeron and a wizard of Dalaran.  Caught by the Plague whilst passing through Andorhal, he succumbed and remembers nothing of that time.

When he awoke with his control reasserted, he assessed his situation and was horrified by the events he found to have passed.  That Dalaran had been shattered to ruins broke his heart.  Only once he tried to approach those that remained but was driven away.

Accepting he no longer belonged where he had once, he turned to learning his place amongst the Horde.  Horrified by what he discovered the Royal Apothecary Society doing in the Undercity, he fled to Orgrimmar and has remained on Kalimdor ever since unless he absolutely must return to the Eastern Kingdoms.

QUOTE: “All creatures fear the unknown, the terror in the darkness.  But humans…oh, humans take that fear to great lengths.”

game: world of warcrack, wow char: raeden blackfield, character profiles

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