I have been doing some housecleaning online and I`ve decided to retire several old livejournals. I won't delete them, because it's too much of a pain in the arse to transfer all the information here at the moment, but I thought it would be a good idea to just "retire" them. I won't be posting in them at all any more. I'm just going to keep this journal. I originaly set up the other journals because of the risk of co-workers and/or family finding this journal and deciding I was some kind of freak they no longer wanted to associate with (or have me work for them) and since those days, I no longer give a rat's posterior if they think those things. To be honest, my co-workers and family members know what a geek/freak I am and seem to be fine with it, so I no longer feel the need to maintain these other journals. I was also compartmentalising my life at the time. Something I do periodically, but have no desire to do anymore.
I also had my weight loss journal, but will be retiring that too. Everything from now on, will be posted here. If I don't want any "outsiders" reading an entry, it'll be marked friends only or private.
So, for those of you wondering, these journals are:
evil_skippycapricorn_babelosin_the_lbsgoofy_sufi (okay, that was Sufi`s journal but I`m never gonna post there again)
They are all effectively retired. I may eventually just move all the entires over to this journal and delete them, but I have to figure it out and see if there`s a way I can and keep all the comments intact or something. Besides, that`s a lot of entries that I have to move around. :P We`ll see.