100 (plus) miles

Jun 17, 2012 09:27

Back in May, I decided I really needed to make a commitment to getting out and walking more. I even started parking partway to the office and walking the rest of the way.

Then, a few days later, they announced a 'challenge' at work, with employees forming teams and reporting their steps walked each day. One of my favourite peeps asked me to join her team, and so, despite my cynicism of work-related social rubbish, I decided that this time, I might as well take advantage since the challenge was in line with my own personal goal.

The challenge, which is to walk 10,000 steps per day, started on 25 May (a little more than three weeks ago), and on Friday, I recorded my 100th mile walked in that time frame!

As a matter of fact, my original goal was 200,000 steps for the eight-week period (5,000 steps a day, five days a week). Within days, it became apparent that my target was too low, so I doubled it to 400,000. At this point, it looks like it might be a good idea to bump my target up again to a square half-million, being as how we're not even halfway to the end of the challenge, and I've already surpassed half my goal. Which is more than my original goal....in just over three weeks!

I've discovered open places to walk near my house, through open fields and such, that I never even knew were there before. I've found a pleasant, mostly-park route to the nearest supermarket (I used to just go the same way I drive there). I've even lost a few pounds, into the bargain.

It's all good.

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