
Jul 13, 2019 15:13

I'm adopted. I've known since I was a kid. My birth-mom tracked me down in 1995 and I have a half-sister and a half-brother. All I've ever known about my birth-father was his name and the fact that he was stationed at Fairchild AFB in 1965. A few weeks ago, a fourth cousin reached out to me on Ancestry and gave me some info regarding our shared surname of Perry.

Susanna Perry is my 4th great-grandmother. She lived on Block Island in RI in the second half of the 18th C. Her son, Benjamin, made the journey from Block Island to Ohio.

That's all I've got, but that is the most I have found out since being told my birth-fathers name.

And so the detective work begins.

Today's horoscope ties in nicely:
7.13.19: You continue to uncover a few buried treasures in your heritage. You carry genetic material that stems from a line of people who came before you. You may also become aware of current environmental patterns that influenced your development. It might even seem as if some of your colleagues embody elements of your personal evolution. You could exhaust yourself in the hunt for more information. Conserve your energy and revel in the morsels of the wisdom that you find. Philosopher George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

family, identity, ancestry, horoscope, challenges

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