Exhaling . . . . finally

Jul 19, 2010 13:44

What a crazy few weeks! I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Dad is actually moved into his new home. There were a few hiccups regarding whirlpool vs. sponge baths, late night smoking outings, overdoing physical therapy, and too soft mattresses, but one week has passed and all seems to be on an even keel. Whew! I am really sorry I missed Joanna's First Draft feature on Friday night though. Dad was attempting to do his physical therapy and fell within minutes of me showing up to swap out his mattress. I spent the next hour and a half making sure he was alright, which he was, just worn out from attempting to do too much, too soon. The highlight of that is he is actually trying to do more. He sits outside for an hour or two every day, which I know has got to help.

The Caribbean Dance Party was HOT! And I mean hot in a humid, sweaty, paper-plate fanning, white boy sandwich filling, dancing my ass off kind of way. I wish I had an A/C in my garage, because Scott was the only one in there for the entire night and I know he must have been miserable. I have about 15 lbs of jerk chicken left at the house in case you want to come grab some of it. The zombies!!! What a powerful batch of tongue-numbing tastiness that was. Once again, my son mixed the two beverages and started the drink craze of the night. :-)

This past weekend marked the first time in years that I hosted a party and then spent the next day barely leaving my bed, let alone my house. It was pure heaven! The majority of cleanup was done by the time everyone left and Turtle managed to surprise us Saturday mid-morning with a clean up visit. I had to run a couple of chairs into the house/garage when the rains started up, but besides that, the backyard was picked up nicely. The dishes in my kitchen are another story altogether. LOL. Alex and I ignored them yesterday and instead watched The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus. I liked it. Terry Gilliam films are not always easy to follow (hence my 2-star rating of Tideland - what the hell was that?), but I liked the premise and I enjoyed the changes made to make the movie work after Heath Ledgers death. The cameos by Depp, Law & Farrell were all spot on. I think I have to agree with Roger Ebert that Colin's was the best, even though I love me some Johnny Depp.

I'll know next month if there is enough money in my departments budget for me me to become an official employee instead of an intermittent. It would be super sweet to have medical insurance and paid days off again. I'm thinking they'll keep me around if they can. Between my work on the Ohio State Fair and the video training they've had me taping lately, I think I'm a keeper. Fingers crossed.

Campaigning has me working two events this week, which means I'll miss WB on Wednesday unless I can sneak away once the Mayor's event is underway.

From here on out, my main focus is the house. I am still refraining from making any decisions about moving. Getting the house fixed up, garage repaired and yard landscaped should take up the next year and there will be plenty of time to make decisions then. I also like the idea of being close while Dad gets comfortable with his new digs. I won't say he's making friends, but he is speaking to a couple of the residents and the staff seems to be taking good care of him. The fact that he told me one of them was awesome, alleviated some of my initial fears.

Also, how cute was Lafayette with a love interest on True Blood?

dancing, bbq, wb, kegel, booze, daddy, car, job, beginnings, house, films, backyard, parties

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