Aug 30, 2006 20:26
Examples of things you should never say to an employee if you want them to stay in your employ:
Maybe you should get a dictionary and look up confidentiality, respect, trust and loyalty, because you obviously don't know what they mean.
It's so fundamental that I can't believe that I have to explain it to you. I feel like I'm talking to a child.
Even the worst of my assistants knew better than to do this.
You are unlike anyone I have ever had work for me.
Thus ended the last 7 1/2 weeks of my most recent position.
It actually ended yesterday and I have spent today reveling in the fact that I walked away from a situation that was not good for me instead of staying in it like I always do.
My girl and I talked about pride today, and letting go of some of that pride has helped me more than I ever could have known. I kept telling myself that walking away would be quitting or admitting defeat. But staying, when I knew it was wrong, that would have been so much worse.
I have had my share of employers, some nicer and easier to get along with than others and I have always handled myself professionally and courteously. Yesterday was no exception. I actually thought that he was going to come unglued at one point and I felt like John Malkovich repeating "It's beyond my control" over and over again. Although my line was "we obviously have very different work styles, so let's just accept that and end this relationship". I'm pretty sure I said some variation of that sentence at least 5 times during our discussion, which was when he uttered the pearls above.
Suffice it to say that I communicated event information with the event planner. Promoting open communication when working on an event is of utmost importance! I do this for a living and it's the only way. He told me that I had taken it upon myself to make decisions for him. Again, if you make yourself unavailable as a leader, then direction will either come from somewhere else or chaos will ensue due to lack of direction. What I didn't know was that the event planner ended her relationship with him shortly after our conversation and about an hour before I did. I was told that my actions were tantamount to gossiping. I called the event planner and the graphics person with information about the event. The fact that I called the graphics person never was mentioned, but speaking to someone who just snubbed him - God Save Me! I guess everything is a conspiracy when you're a politician. He suggested that my loyalty appeared to be with her, all because I relayed event information.
Note to self: Never become so full of myself that I start to believe my own bullshit.
In other news: It looks like my house is off the chopping block!
Wells Fargo does not want to incur the expense of sending its lawyers to trial over a case where there is no money owed and the loan is current. It was basically just a legal pissing contest to squeeze some more blood out of this here turnip.
Regardless of all that, I am very happy to have my house out of danger and I thank all of my friends for their positive thoughts. :)
Now I have to find a job so that I can pay for all of these legal fees along with my monthly bankruptcy payment and the house note, while at the same time coming up with enough cash to pay at least one, if not two months ahead so as not to be in the position of receiving another notice from my friends at Barrett Bitch Wanker Cunt Dick & Fuckers, L.L.P.
I truly do love living!
Have you hugged your parent today?