the days are just packed

Aug 30, 2005 09:42

Yesterday -
left for work at the ass crack of dawn to avoid driving in lots of traffic in stick shift
test drove a few automatics (nothing promising)
deposited insurance check
stalled car and proceeded to be honked, yelled at, flipped off by my fellow austinites (thanks for allowing me to pull into the elementary school parking lot and cry like a baby for 15 minutes)
regained composure and took alternate route (sans hills) home
fixed a large rum and coke and sat on sofa for over an hour trying to calm down
roomie fixed laptop issues - hooray (I didn't need any additional stress and being without my laptop is oh so stressful, especially while car hunting)
Ate a delicious salmon and spinach casserole dinner
Picked up Becca for Rock N Roll Karaoke at Beerland
So packed we could only get one song in (Fever by Peggy Lee)
Watched a lot of emo kids cavort around while singing
Chatted with the KJ and his friend most of the night
Home and laundry

Today -
ass crack of dawn again
salvage yard (please cross your fingers that Artie has something for me or is getting something in soon. the stick shift is causing me a lot more anxiety than I thought it would. I'm gonna burst a blood vessel or something soon, I fear)
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