#NaBloP Day 6: #amblogging Before Bed

Feb 07, 2011 00:00

I'll probably be up for another hour or so but my mind is on the slow descent to collapse after all the editing today so if I wait until the last minute, I'll completely forget. If I type fast enough, I'll even get this one in before the midnight strike. I'm about half an hour away from finishing Jane. After that, I have to send it out because I officially have no idea whether I'm editing for better or worse at this point. On the plus side, I've managed to cut it down to under 100K without sacrificing much in the way of the flashbacks (I know they'll probably get pared out at some point anyway but I do love them so :P). Considering I was at 107K, it's good to be below my goal. Hopefully it's tightened the manuscript up somewhat and I think I've managed to close up a plot hole. Not much else to say, I'm going to get back at it. I really want to get this baby to bed before I got to sleep. Finishing a book would be a great way to end the week.

Night all.
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