#NaBloPoMo Day 5 : #amblogging . Still.

Feb 05, 2011 20:06

That squelchy sound you hear? My brain imploding at the fact that I'm still blogging after five days. That's right, five days consecutively. Woo to the mother trukking who Batman.

I pretty much kicked ass on the work in progress today. All the hard copy edits that I had to input are now done. If I buckle down after work tomorrow, they remaining pages that have to be edited should all be done by the end of the day.

I'm stealing a prompt from a few days ago because apparently the slackasses don't make prompts on Sat/Sun. Pssht. Weekends. Who needs them? (<-- That, right there, is pure jealousy speaking.)

The prompt was to name my favourite character from a book, play, art etc etc.

My favourite character varies.

When I'm ready to destroy the d-bag who's being mean to the Tim Horton's cashier (yes, you there, the one with the Dolce bag, Snooki hairdo and the attitude stick shoved up your ass) my favourite character is Towanda from Fried Green Tomatoes (if you don't know her, shut down your computer, march your little ass down to an 'actual' book store and purchase it).

When I'm bracing myself for the zombie apocalypse, my favourite character is Claire Redfield. I know, Alice is cool and Jill Valentine is smoking hot but you have to give props to a woman who wades through armies of the undead to save her family.

When I'm bracing myself for the machine apocalypse, my favourite character is Sarah Connor. Sure, John Connor is the leader of humanity but before he was the machine messiah he was just a kid, like anyone else. If it weren't for Sarah Connor stepping into the role of protector and trainer, making more of herself than even she thought possible, John Connor wouldn't exist.

As you can see, I have many favourite characters. Too many to list. Everyone who makes it to my list has a least one character trait (whether it's virtue or a flaw) that I admire. How about you? Who's your favourite character(s)? Why?


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