#NaBloPoMo Day 2

Feb 02, 2011 22:15

In the interest of getting today's blog out of the way fairly early, here I am. Hmm... what to talk about? Today was a snow day. An actual, honest to goodness snow day. It was great, I didn't have to get up at zero ungodly and I was able to stay up past 10 o'clock last night which meant finally seeing the end of Tombstone after who knows how many attempts.

Delly came over and she spent the day puttering around on the computer while I did another round of edits on the latest work in progress. The first 40 pages were the worst, I think they slipped by the third round of edits somehow so they needed more work than the others. This will be the final set of edits before betas. There are a couple of areas I'm still not absolutely in love with but at this point, I've been over it so many times that editing further without fresh eyes will just do more harm than good.

Once Jane is off to the readers, I can put my attention more firmly on the adaptation without feeling guilty about letting Jane languish on my desk. I've set myself a pretty rigorous schedule that I'll have to keep to if I want everything out by the deadlines. Time will get even tighter once rugby season starts but frakked if I'm giving that up, I need the extra exercise and hitting people is great catharsis.

That's all I've got for today folks. Hope you weren't too bored. Tune back in tomorrow and I'll see about posting something a little more interesting.



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