#NaBloPoMo Day 1

Feb 01, 2011 21:59

 I'm back dating this post ( I know the first one), because the keyboard on my iPod wouldn't allow me to type last night and at midnight, while in bed, I had no motivation to fire up my rickety old laptop.

As always, it has been forever since my last LJ post as the last thing I want to talk about at the end of the day is myself. I deal with me all day long. By the time I hit the point of having done editing, writing and drawing plus a full eight hour shift, all I really want is to turn on the TV and watch some Lois and Clark. That being said, I've someone allowed myself to be roped into NaBloPoMo for February. Last time, I thought a schedule of stuff would help. It didn't. This time around, we'll go by my usual schedule which is, no schedule at all. So hang on kiddies, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
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