April 15.-ish

Apr 17, 2007 19:28

Oh, man - I've been preparing financial aid stuff for the past hour. That said, while tedious, this process isn't nearly as daunting as I believed...but FAFSA, grr. Apparently something in my application made someone suspicious, and now the school needs a bazillion forms filled in, including a complete copy of my tax return. Good news is, though, my EFC is at zero. If nothing happens to change that, I will be a very happy person.

This is the first year I've filed taxes, though, so I'm really glad it's gone smoothly thus far and it's the school that wants to audit me, not the IRS - thank you, HR Block! I am utterly in love with their online filing system.

...Oh, and I didn't mention, but - the German presentation? They hated my part of it, as I rather expected. No one cared about any of what I did talk about (Diaspora! East v. West! Lingering censorship issues!), and everything I mentioned a nice little aside turned out to be someone's one true love in German music. Gah. Who knew so many prissy college kids would be so into German hip-hop? (And WHY was it so very bad of me to describe it as "angry"? It (frequently) IS, for the love of God. "Kill all the damned-fucked foreigners!" and associated lyrics are not the words of happy, well-balanced people I’m interested in supporting!)

money, school, life

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