goodbye, September

Sep 30, 2009 09:56

Man, that went by fast. I guess it helped that I was in med neverland for most of it, and at a lot of parties for the rest. But really - I accomplished a lot (quit the meds! harvested tomatoes! finally finished reading The Fortress of Solitude!), got many jollies, saw a lot of friends who I've missed, made some new awesome friends, and had some seriously wild dreams.

I feel pretty good about things, even as the larger outside world gets weirder and more alarming all the time. And I have a lot of work to do - at work, on writing, and on my mind and body. I'm not quite logisitically ready for winter (need rope caulk for my windows, need new plastic sheeting for 'em too, I'd like some better/more comfortable boots, I'd definitely like a couple more velvet/velour blazers, and I NEED A PARKA!) but I feel OK about it.

This weekend I will be a guest author at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival (and CthuluCon, since films is only a small part of it). My friend Jeff Powers designed the poster and T-shirt this year - go Jeff!! I will be moderating a panel on humor in horror (Saturday, 1:30pm), and doing a late-night reading of everyone's favorite menstrual scene from Voice of the Blood. If you're attending, I'll see you there; if not, see you later.

Ideally I will also sell some clothes this weekend; I'm broke as a joke. I blew a lot of money on all that going out I've been doing, and I don't get paid until Wednesday; I'm trying to leave my savings account alone unless I'm putting money INTO it. Heh... it kinda doesn't really work that way... Gotta ditch cable TV... which would be good, because since the Mercury retrograde is over, IT'S TIME TO START WRITING!

state of the union

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