no, I'm not dead

May 06, 2009 09:18

And I haven't ditched LJ. I've just been way too busy and tired these days (and unfortunately distracted by Twitter - I may widget this up in here) to want to write about anything going on in my life.

And boy there's been a lot of it.

In very brief:
-I finished writing the wovel. Hooray! (You can read the entire thing online here at And yes, I want to release it in a print version, but that'll take WAY more writing, and I am not feeling like it right now.)
-I saw My Bloody Valentine perform live. HOORAY! I was cleansed in holy fire, had my mind blown, and suffered no hearing damage because I was smart. MUST see them again somehow.
-The Heroes season ended in the most traumatic way possible. ARGH! (and yet AWESOME!)
-Got a massage. (Hooray! Going back for more this Saturday.)
-Got a haircut finally. (Hooray! Except now my head's cold.)
-Finally visited the Renn Fayre meat-smoking camp, and had a great time. I am so there next year.
-Saw STAR TREK five days early! Hooray!
-Two of the Dark Horse books I worked on last year are nominated for Eisner Awards!

So yeah, I'm stretched a little thin. Apologies. But hey, who's even reading this these days?

wovel, reed, star trek, status report, dark horse, writing, heroes

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