
May 01, 2008 09:40

OK, so I won't go see IRON MAN tonight. Like all movies on opening night, it's just too expensive. I'll wait until I can use one of my passes. It'll be just as good in June as it is tomorrow. Meanwhile, at home, I have a huge stack of VHS movies I got for free that are demanding my attention... as well as two seasons of Arrested Development, and HAPPY FEET from the library (don't look at me like that; I am watching HAPPY FEET because it's directed by George Miller, who not only directed the MAD MAX films but also two of my favorite kids' films of the last 20 years, BABE and BABE: PIG IN THE CITY. If anyone can make a dancing-penguin CGI fest into something awesome, it's Miller).

Apparently, it's not going to rain today, and I am going to have to buy my lunch (probably a can of soup for $1. I can afford that) because I was cooking a bunch of things last night, but got really tired and went to bed early as soon as everything was done, and didn't have time to put a lunch together this morning. Yesterday I got a $30 check for a film review I did in January, so I could even maybe do something wildly decadent like get a burrito ($4.50 - what am I, a Rockerfeller?).

Things are, somehow, looking up. No more bad news - at least not so far today (I had more than enough yesterday). I hope I can go on a nice long walk today, too, and then go home and do some yoga. It's far from being enough (yeah, I need to get to the gym and sign up so I can start using the pool - I'll be so glad I did once the weather is hot), but at least I'm doing something. I am trying. I am. I am trying to get to the point where I consider it actually possible to lose the 60lbs that I need to lose, and keep it gone. Maybe a 5-year plan?...

movies, status report, optimism, $

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