One thing that most people probably don't know about me is that I am a slavish devotee of grafitti art - the lettering styles, use of color and space, and the mindblowing speed with which these gorgeous pieces can go up (as well as their generally ephemeral nature, since they get sandblasted or whitewashed off because they're "eyesores") has been
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Comments 12
This is one area where the PNW could really stand to mature.
There's an alternative me somewhere out there who does better than just snowboarding and listening to the Beasties - she can skateboard and breakdance and spin disks like woah, and she sprays fat graffiti tags that make astute sociopolitical commentary. Makes me sad to think I blew the only childhood I had on doing well in school :P (No regrets, really, but I really hope I get another shot sometime.)
You never know - you might suddenly become a super awesome gangster in your 50's. We just need the technology to make it happen.
I don't snow(or skate)board, either. I am physically nigh-useless, though I can dance pretty good. Not being a decent visual artist, though, has broken my heart. I have no design skills, because I can't really get a solid command of visual space (I can see it, but I can't control it. For that same reason, the furniture placement and decoration of my home has always been terrible). And yeah, I was a relatively good and dutiful teenager, besides the suicide attempts, over-the-counter drug abuse, and increasing indifference to schoolwork... none of which was noticed. I wonder if I should have followed my original dream and run away to NYC when I was 14. Oh well...
Amused by the idea of being a gangster in my 50s ... though, yikes, that's only 15 years away now :P Best get to it, then.
And your teenage years sound pretty colourful ... that's artist's material right there! (Doesn't have to be art art, y'know). Sorry if it sucked ... I hope you got something out of it.
Never too late to be a gangster. NEVER!!
As far as graffiti art...AH! So good. I used to love seeing it on the way to downtown Toronto. This one thing in particular that looked like an owl coming to earth in a haunts me still. So beautiful.
I don't get the hatred for it and the whole "it's vandalism!" angle. I mean, yes, I wouldn't want something on my wall that said, "KEVIN IS A FAGUT" with shakey handwriting. But the stuff I'm talking about is not that.
Oh I'm just remembering that there's a gorgeous piece of art (sometimes changing) on a garage over by where I used to live - it's absolutely stunning, whatever it is. I remember one day when I was coming home from work and I saw that it had gotten repainted overnight, and I just stood there and stared at it. THAT will never be repainted. (it gets marker-tagged almost instantly, too, but that actually just adds to the design. Brilliantly done.)
HAHA. Take a photo of that piece, I want to see it.
If I lived closer to downtown I would take photos of the ones on the train route. Of course, they're not exactly accessible from the train so I'd have to do a lot of climbing around, but yeah, I totally need to do that.
That site is gorgeous...
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