cinematic masochism

Feb 01, 2008 11:11

Reading reviews of Meet the Spartans like this one make me totally want to see it.

Bad movies? Worst movie? C'mon. Has this guy seen PSYCHED BY THE 4-D WITCH? MANOS, THE HANDS OF FATE (non-MST3K'ed)? SHAOLIN DOLEMITE? He's a rank amateur of the art of bad-movie pain. Maybe I've just done too many drugs, but I thought SCARY MOVIE 3 was pretty frickin' hilarious when I watched it on Comedy Central one slightly tipsy afternoon.

I don't think I could do SPARTANS in the theater; this one's strictly a home viewing, with a fat sack, a case of beer, and my snark-tastic homies, their tongues sharpened to a razor-like edge by multiple viewings of ATTACK OF THE MUSHROOM PEOPLE, GAMERA VS BARUGON, and ...well, STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE, which is actually one of the funniest movies of all time, seen through the correct goggles. (I recommend Robotussin.)

On that note, I quite enjoyed Lost last night, though I was leaning heavily on the drinking-game rule of "Drink whenever you see the next SHOCKER REVEAL!!1! coming a mile away". And Eli Stone isn't particularly good - "Dirty Sexy Daisies", I like to call it - but Jonny Lee Miller remains blindingly adorable, still looks great in a suit, and rocks the artificial American accent, bless him. (It makes me hope and pray that they actually do film Porno, the Trainspotting sequel... because I'm sorry, that would rule so hard.)

movies, geekery, snark, tv

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