premiere breakdown: Bionic Woman & Dirty Sexy Money

Sep 27, 2007 09:09

I may write about Heroes sometime in the next few days, if I've got time - it's been a jam-packed week, and I have yet to tape the episode, so I can't actually do a meta liveblog like I like to do. Saturday 8pm is the repeat, though... so maybe on Sunday I'll write it up.

In the meantime, I am compelled to write up last night's two series premiere episodes that I was very excited about - and neither one of them disappointed AT ALL - Bionic Woman and Dirty Sexy Money. Both of them are flawed but have huge ass-kicking potential!

So I'm scared about this show. Writer/producer Glen Morgan (who was one of the strengths behind The X-Files) seems to have said "fuck this" and left already, and the season isn't even finished shooting... also they are horrifically over budget. And it shows. What an extensive, good-looking, special effects-packed extravaganza this is - and no, it's not just the Battlestar Galactica 2.0 actor holding pen, even though it vaguely seems like it is (they're even using the same typeface for the titles as BSG does) but I sure did like that part. From BSG we've got Aaron Douglas, Mark Sheppard, and... of course...

OMG KATEE MOTHERFUCKING SACKHOFF. As if I needed any more reasons to be madly in love with the girl, she is now one of the best psycho villains since Roy Batty - and I do not use the comparison lightly. She is setting a new standard of hot sexxy badassery that is actually too big for this show. She overshadows the show's star Michelle Ryan (who is good, and sexy and tough, but she's no Katee) by a country mile, as well as beating her ass into a pulp for our Buffy-style entertainment. Katee plays Sarah Corvus (she's the Crow!), who is actually the first bionic woman, and who has taken the reins of her own bionic enhancements to the tune of being about 75% "anthrocites", including replacing her own eye. BADASS! Also, she's nuts. Cuckoo for cocoa puffs crazy - and crazy in love with some vaguely defined bad guy but who even gives a shit about that. It's Katee, in black leather, with her hair combed straight back, stalking around leonine and gorgeous and being a living weapon of mass destruction. It doesn't get much better than that.

Also, I gotta say, for the lovers of "femslash", the first episode has more lesborific homoerotic thrills than you usually get on TV of any kind... so much touching and eyesex and rawrrrrrrrr. What do you mean, Katee's only on two episodes? Can we rewrite the show so that it's about her? *sigh* What I want now is to write a vampire movie screenplay and get her to star in it. She looks great with blood dripping off her hair.

And as if that wasn't enough, we also get MIGUEL FERRER who is just as bitchy and acidic as he has always been, except older and more gravelly. And he's one of the "good guys", though, much like BSG, thanks to the magic of executive producer David Eick, there's not going to be any such thing as real good guys on this show. Right on.

Anyway, besides some scripting roughness, there's actually some emotional and political complexity going on, and I am so down with it, and they've got me for the season.
And then there's Dirty Sexy Money. I am appalled that more people don't know about this show - it's got a cast to die for, headed up by Six Feet Under's Peter Krause, who has actually become even hotter, Jill Clayburgh, er... William Baldwin (I know, ew, but the Baldwins are really starting to dig themselves out of their ditch of being the suckiest asswipes on the planet), and... um DONALD MOTHERFUCKING SUTHERLAND, people. The Donald. He is fabulous. To hell with 24!!

I will call this show "Desperate Arrested Petrellis", as it has that ABC brand of OTT snarky, bitchy, melodrama/wild comedy hijinks that I assume is the reason why folks love Desperate Housewives, which I have never seen (even a minute of), and is about a large, sprawling, probably incestuous super-wealthy Manhattan family with more issues than the National Geographic. Krause plays the Michael Bluth-esque character at the center of all this, a lawyer whose father worked for the family and then died mysteriously (murdered, I guess, which forms the serial-drama axis of the show), and who has now been hired on at $10millon/year to babysit these seven (maybe more) big whiny neurotic drunken fools while trying to maintain his marriage to his incredibly cute and sassy wife and strangely quiet, blonde Fanning daughter. (Yeah, like that's going to work.) The premise is pretty silly, but the bitchery is top-notch, and there are some great characters going on here - like the dissipated, Pete Doherty-esque Jeremy Darling, Baldwin's district attorney Patrick Darling (who is locked in an ongoing affair with a gorgeous tranny man... yeah, that's what I said, and any show where I get to watch William Baldwin having to kiss and make out with another dude is golden to me), and the hostile, aggressive, apparently slut-tastic Catholic priest Brian Darling, who was swiftly my favorite.

Anyway, Donald Sutherland + TV show = I am there. It's very well written and loads of fun, and it's on right after Bionic Woman, so why not? Wednesdays are going to be fun. And Lost will not be part of it.

So my week is shaping up... Monday: Heroes, Tuesday: Pushing Daisies, Wednesday: Bionic Woman and DSM, Thursday: Supernatural and Dr. Who (if they keep showing it on OPB), Friday: Numb3rs (hey, Val Kilmer's on it this year! Woot!)... oh dear, oh dear. This is bad. TV is the devil. And I still have to watch Buffy sometimes. Oh, and The Wire. And... *sigh*

katee sackhoff, celebrity worship, awesome, tv

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