l'Heroes c'est la vie!!

Sep 24, 2007 16:09

ohhhhh it's almost here. Only a few hours away. A few endless hours!! But after the long months, this extra anticipation is okay.

I'm sure people wonder if I forgot, but I deliberately didn't post much about the Heroes premiere because I have a feeling my LJ friends are really sick of me going on about it (although - prepare yourself - the onslaught begins again late tonight with a nice fresh meta post).

I spent the weekend doing some outreach to the community - Miss Cecilia watching season 1 for the very first time, and calling me occasionally to just go "AHHH! It's like CRACK!", Shawna needing the last few episodes (I lent her the loaner DVDs, and thanks again, aikon - BTW that mix CD? is awesome), and just this morning Benke texted me to point out that the Haitian Sensation That's Sweeping The Nation™ was notably absent from the season finale. So it seems that most of my pals are all caught up (two major exceptions, but that's their own fault - getting stuff done is NOT more important than Heroes, but then again, one of them doesn't even own a TV, so it's sort of immaterial).

And my dear friend Philip just gave me this week's Entertainment Weekly with Hiro in samurai armor on the cover, looking ABSURDLY tasty. (I hate to say it, but yeah, losing weight was a smart choice for him. Boy looks GOOD.)

Tonight I'm watching at nebet_het's place, which means that I won't get a chance to tape the episode. Here's hoping for repeats later in the week, because yes, I will create a new VHS library of the season, since I have to rewatch and rewatch and rewatch... ohhhhh it's almost here. I wonder how the season opener is going to be. It had better hit it out of the park - just because they know that a nation (nay, a world) of Herocrack Addicts are going to be glued to our TVs doesn't mean they can cheap out on storyline, character, special effects, or the sexxxxy.


squee, yay, hotness, geekery, heroes, awesome, tv

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