Heroes vs. Rising Stars/amazing salad!

Mar 08, 2007 11:27

I just finished the first volume of the comic Rising Stars, and I reiterate - J. Michael Straczynski needs to either sue Tim Kring, or they should make JMS a "consulting producer" on Heroes because big chunks of it are incredibly similar. (Split-personality woman, whose psychotic, homicidal side is the one with the powers? Hmmm.)

Rising Stars is fantastic. It doesn't have art as good as Ex Machina does (in my opinion; yes, I am a sucker for extremely realistic artwork, taken directly from photo references acted out by a troupe of actor-friends), but the writing is spectacular. And unbelievably harsh, too. I always forget that about Babylon 5 - what a staggeringly harsh and grim show it could be. Battlestar Galactica has built on that concept, with its own rough edges and human desperation, but B5 meant to show the end of the world - or, in their case, huge chunks of the universe - and they brought it, too. Rising Stars has that same level of "we are not fucking around here."

Also, I'm now totally in love with John Simon, code name Poet* (what a lame-ass name, but what a fantastic character) in the same way that I'm in love with Peter Petrelli, because their characters are very similar, except that no one would ever call the Poet a whiny emo boy, even if he does wear a long fluttery black coat and have waist-length hair. The Poet would kill a motherfucker. Horribly.

*Obviously this posting should be taken with a grain of salt, since I couldn't remember my favorite character's name. (Ravenshadow is John Simon's half-brother Randy, the one with the metal mask that looks like Predator. They both have waist-length black hair, and even though Ravenshadow looks scarier, the Poet could totally take him in a fight.) And my adoring worship of Tim Kring knows no bounds yet discovered.

Rising Stars came out in 2001. I really do catch up eventually.
Had to edit to add a shout of enthusiasm for the salad I just made for lunch - if I don't get sick of this, and it doesn't upset my stomach, I might just have to have this very frequently from now on. It's not insanely low-calorie, but it's still good for me:

2 sticks of celery, one large carrot, one Fuji apple, 1/2 avocado - all chopped into 1" pieces. Handful of roasted, salted sunflower seed kernels. 1 1/2 tablespoons of Trader Joe's Tuscan Italian dressing. Shake it up and let it hang out for a while. (I bet it would be good with some chopped tomato and orange pieces, raisins, almonds instead, etc.) Consume - remember to chew thoroughly!

I love it when a plan comes together.

yay, comics, recommended media, food

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