Sep 20, 2007 11:28
So, school started today. I've already been to Computer Science and it seems like it's going to be pretty inane. The first half of the class is going to basically recap High School Physical Science and the second part will be Biology on the same level, all while trying desperately to relate this to computers. Since the teacher sounds like a sophomore valley girl anyway I guess there's a theme developing. Thank goodness for Aikido in twenty minutes, at least I know what silliness to expect there.
I've been reading things weirdly lately.
Last week I was watching Jon play Neverwinter Nights 2 (I was supposed to be reading the bird books for work, but I'll get into that later) and he kept running into these things called "Ihugs." It took me half an hour and a question to the boy to realize it really said "Thugs," which I will never live down.
Two days after the above incident we were being lazy at the local bachelor pad, watching Chris flip through the cable menus when he paused over "Jews 2." Now my first thought was, "Huh?" quickly followed by, "How could they show something like that on TV?" Perhaps it was because it was a different kind of horror movie more appropriately entitled "Jaws 2?"