Right, I'm eating
7j's leftovers from a Tibetan restaurant. It's mostly tofu and assorted mushrooms, but it's got these wrinkled ovoid green-khaki things in it. No idea what they are. Initially, I thought that they were semi-rehydrated raisins, but they don't taste raisiny. Maybe tomatillos? Some form of uncured olive? It's perfectly possible that they're some flora indigenous to Tibet that I have not previously encountered. Oh well, they're fairly tasty, especially the darker ones.
I will, in fact, eat practically anything. Especially if it is served in a restaurant or provided in a tin, I will assume it's nonpoisonous and eat it without question. If it's growing wild, I will 1. smell it, 2. taste it gingerly, and 3. consume it if neither of the previous steps yielded ill effects. Obviously, this has caused some problems over the years, but not as many as you might expect. A good way to figure out what an exotic food item is like is to order me a dish of it, watch me eat it, and then steal it off my plate if I say it's tasty. People have lived to regret this, too, given my far-ranging definition of "tasty."
Speaking of which: sea urchin. I ordered some as a replacement when the sushi bar I went to last night proved to be out of fatty tuna. I figured, what the heck. I really wish I hadn't. Not only did its echinodermatous appearance put
7j entirely off her feed, but it was unpleasantly dull and pulpy. It might have been OK fried, but served cold and raw it reminded me of nothing so much as a spoiled freshwater clam. Plenty of soy sauce rendered the flavour acceptable, but there was still the weird, squishy texture. Kind of like the inside of a passionfruit, only fish, not fruit.
I don't think that I'll let this put me off eating things that I'm not sure what they are, but maybe I won't do it in front of
7j again.