It's been a long long while.

Oct 31, 2010 16:41

Hello! I'm taking a quick break from the craziness of life to do shadow_kick 's meme, hehe. I'm sorry I haven't been active anywhere f-list. I started doing shows and it's just hectic each time we go into the theatre. Oh before I babble on, I'm working in theatre :) Juggling school plus rehearsals now is really tiring and taking up all my time. Gomen na! :(

1. Your Middle Name: Anjelica
2. Age: 19 (Can I just be 20 and stay 20 foreverrrrrrr? :D )
3. Single or Taken: Singleeeeeeeee. I tried taken, and naaaah, totally not my thing.
4. Favourite Film: Hoho, fuji velvia! I don't really watch movies. I will just kill everyone else around by asking what's happening next!
5. Favourite Song or Album: Depends on each artist. I have tons of 'em.
6. Favourite Band/Artist: Eito stole my heart and won't give it back, heh. 
7. Dirty or Clean: How about straddling the middle! Life's more fun with a little bit of everything.
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: I is no longer the wild child I was. I've moved back to just 3 holes, but zomgzxzx I want a tattoo!
9. Do we know each other outside of LJ?: Yeah baby, haha you're my soul sisterrrr!
10. What's your philosophy on life?: Don't look back on things and regret. You'll just get sad.
11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty?: Totally empty! I've finished it, hehe.
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?: Hmm, I would try. But chances are, I'll tell you in the end. 
13. What is your favourite memory of us?: Baking! And failing sometimes, hah.
14. What is your favourite guilty pleasure?: Foooooooood. Can't live without it!
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I am an awesome hazard checker. I will bang/crash/trip over any possible hazards in the theatre.
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they?: One, please give me enough money. Two, hi I'd like to work with I Theatre kthnx. Three, someone miraculously help me get my body toned!
17. Can we get together and make a cake?: Noooooooooo. We could cook a steak though :D
18. Which country is your spiritual home?: Japan! One day, I'll get there!
19. What is your big weakness?: Food, lol. Actually make that free food.
20. Do you think I'm a good person?: You're awesome Audzxzx.
21. What was your best/favourite subject at school?: Illumination Design ftw! <3
22. Describe your accent: It's very me? Haha.
23. If you could change anything about me, would you?: Nah, the fun thing about people are their idiosyncrasies.
24. What do you wear to sleep?: Absolutely nothing... I wish. Shorts & a tank!
25. Trousers or skirts?: Trousers in a heart beat. I can't work in a skirt!
26. Cigarettes or alcohol?: Gimme my booze and no one gets hurt!
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!): Teleport to Japan and kidnap Nino & Kura, then stuff ourselves with sashimi and kobe beef, then make them pay for it!
28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you?: But you've done it alreadyyyyyyyyyyy.

I hope everyone's doing okay on my f-list. Ttysoon! ♡


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