
May 18, 2009 11:42

I am soooo beat!! This has been a crazy month! Claighton’s Gala was the 1st-2nd, we had Wish Training on the evening of the 6th, Rock & Bowl the evening of the 7th, and was at the SJDA Golf tournament in Lockeford all day on the 8th. The weekend of the 9th we cleaned out our entire garage, and the yards - we had a neighborhood pick-up scheduled for the 14th so we were able to get all of our garbage, and clutter out! So nice! The 10th we went to see Mike Doughty play at Marilyns on K. What an amazing show!! Mike on an acoustic guitar and “Scrap” on a cello, such a greaaaaat night. No openers, just sat back and sipped gin & tonics and enjoyed the show.

This past weekend, Saturday was spent working in the yards, and I wore a tank top to try and even out the UGLY sunburn I got at the golf tourney… I burnt soooooo bad. I am in so much pain right now! I hope it goes away & I’m not all peely and gross for the fiesta Saturday.

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year, 105 - and we spent it outside from 2pm-9pm at the State Capitol for our Twilight Walk for Wishes … it was MISERABLE… thank goodness it’s over!

I am beat today….. I decided to take Thursday & Friday off this week to re-coup and get things ready for the party. We’re throwing a huge fiesta for Alex, Claighton, Laighcey (Even though she is being a bitch, and won’t go, whatever), and my dad’s birthdays. It’s going to be an insane amount of fun. We’re having a taco/nacho bar, margaritas, beer, tons of decorations, sombreros, fake moustaches, rock band, and NIFTY will perform! I think there will be about 55-60 people that’ll come. Jasan Radford (vox for Onesidezero & Abloom) is even FLYING up for it! I pick him up Friday morning at 9:30 - he’ll help me run some errands for the party, and we’ll hang out the rest of the day…. He’s staying until Sunday… should be a great time!! I cannot wait!

So excited for a 5 day weekend, even though it’ll be super busy everyday…hopefully we’ll have everything cleaned up so we can just CHILL on Monday the 25th.

Claighton’s audit is this week, and his Fresno walk is the 6th of June …. To break up the craziness, we decided to go camping at our favorite spot on the north coast the weekend of the 30th - we’re both taking the 29th off. THAT will be just what we need! :)
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