Well. Haven't updated in awhile. And this won't be much of one (I will type up a long, brilliant, daunting one tomorrow, WE SWEARS!).
I was just thinking, pro-choice vs. pro-life. Shouldn't it be pro-abortion rights and anti-abortion rights? Or is that just way too much to type? I've finally been catching up on all my communities (feminist, feminist_rage, abortiondebate, etc (lack of coding, I KNOW, so lazy!)) and it just got me thinking on how much I hate the terms pro-life and pro-choice.
I guess pro-choice is alright, still not great, but pro-life? That makes it sound as if pro-choice is anti-life. And there's always exceptions. Rape, incest, etc. I also don't understand that whole incest thing. Why should someone who decided to shack up with her brother have any more rights than me? Unless the women was raped by a family member, in which case it, well, falls under rape, right?
I think it's terrible that people who feel "morally obligated" to stop "women from killing their babies" because "GOD TOLD ME TO LIEKWOAH" often (not always!) say an exception to that should be if there's a high chance of a 'defect' (mental usually). That's terrible. Just because some baby might think differently is no reason to abort a birth. I understand, some people just can't handle having a child with special needs. But still, pro-lifers, that's a terrible exception. You and your morals. Shame.
This has ended up being longer than I intended. Maybe I'll just type up a whole entry.
I'm going to start a new blog over on blogger. Or maybe a community over here on LJ? A rambling community. But one for me and a few of my friends (anyone interested? I smell hilarity and emoness and weirdness all in one journal...). Mmm, rambling.
I hate the AP Euro book. "In the Wake of the Plague". I love history, I often like non-fiction, and the plague is rather fascinating (YES, tragedy!) but the writer is so...upity. I hate how he writes everything "so and so -or more so- and therefore". He could basically say what was written on one whole page in two sentences. And people said that "In the Wake of the Plague" was the good book.
Canadian TV has eaten my brain. Everyone should worship David Hewlett and I rarely love actors this much (because really, it's not like I know them so why would I like them?) but damn. I was looking up info on
A Dog's Breakfast (relase date anytime soon, come on people?) and just....aww DAVID HEWLETT. And nudity but that was in a few others too. It looks like a great movie and everyone must see it. Whenever it comes out. David wrote his own summary! How quaint. Damn, I love Canadians.
Alright, so my summer so far, been decent. I'm going to New Jersey with Rachel next month! That's going to be so weird. In a great and hilarious AND HELLO VACATION way. I went to Southbend yesterday for some strange father's day breakfast and everyone who was not deaf and/or over 80 laughed at the priest that was talking (it was a church thing) who said "fathers are like God". I replied (because no one was listening to his old, Godly rambling) "Here goes another Beatles scandle..." and I was kicked by some old man. Who, by the way, was old. AND HE KICKED ME! And gave me a dirty look! SO WEIRD. Hmm. So Weird was a disney TV show forever ago. A GOOD DISNEY SHOW. Not many of those. It was X-Files for youngin's. They should bring that back. Now.
And for your listening pleasure...
Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) - The Arcade Fire These Days - NicoMonster Hospital (MSTRKRFT Remix) - MetricSay Yes - Elliott Smith
I love all these songs so much right now. Seriously, download all of these now. Neighborhood #1 is just great musically and lyrically, a light yet not quite happy song. But sometimes, we remember our bedrooms, and our parent's bedrooms, and the bedrooms of our friends. Then we think of our parents, well what the hell ever happened to them?! and they make that almost rhyme and great stuff. These Days, mmm, Nico. So sexy. I had a lover, I don't think I'll risk another These days, these days. Also light, but a bit sadder and like I said, Nico! Elliott Smith is along the same lines: I'm in love with the world, through the eyes of a girl. Monster Hospital is a bit different as it's the dance remix pretty much and it's oddly lovely. It grows on you, I promise.
Anyway. Babysitting tomorrow. Goodnight.