(no subject)

Apr 07, 2006 22:30

Nothing interesting has happened in the past month. Asked out a guy, and I suck at the boyfriend/girlfriend thing but he sort of sucks at it too so no matter. I swear, it is the funniest thing in the world. My digital camera and I are not getting along either. I think I may just stick to film. Which is bizarre and not me at all but I love film.

CONGRATS RACHEL! Or should I say, ahahaha you are now under America's economy's control (she has a job!). I love Holland but woah Dutch people suck. Tulip Time too but we get time off school so I'm all for it. sw2 ahhahaha this is so fun I can square things! woot and I can do the opposite too! Fucking awesome.

Anywho. Yes. Not much has happened. I'm sort of neglecting this journal and I feel bad but I've been stressed the past few months and I do not rant (coherently anyways) when I'm stressed.

Also? This Spring break? Isn't all that great. I've had to "work" (babysit, oh how I despise thee) which was boring and terrible but hello $125. And I had this bizarre manic-depressive episode last night (I'm not manic-depressive by the way). It was so odd. I was in a "high on life" mood and then suddenly for no reason I almost started crying and felt like shit. I'm not a mood swing type of person, I hate people that are mood swingy (and blame it on being a girl. Puh, suck it up). Maybe because I just weighed myself and realize I had gone over my  "gaining weight limit" (seriously, I don't look real bad or anything but I am getting to the unhealthy side of the scale for me). That hardly is worth a depressive episode though. That's so....girlish? I know, that's terrible. But it is sort of girlish.

I watched Brokeback Mountain. That's an ok movie, I wouldn't discourage people from seeing it but it wasn't all that great. Just not my type of movie. The relationships in it were really interesting to watch in it though.

Right. Updating, tah!


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