Been a hell of a past couple of days for sure. Saturday night was pretty much a nightmare when my friend (one of two people I live with) experienced crippling stomach pain and had to go to the ER. Needless to say I spent the rest of that night as well as a better part of Sunday there until they finally kicked me out after visiting hours were over that night >_> I was kind of upset because I didn't want to leave, even though I secretly hate hospitals and being in them usually creeps me out. But it wasn't actually so bad. Up until that point she was being waited on by pretty much the coolest nurse ever though, very sweet lady. I think her name was Jedy. Anyways, Hiroko finally got discharged yesterday, although with pretty much no insight as to what was actually WRONG (hooray medical science >_>) meaning she'll need additional testing at a later period. At least she's home I guess.
After that fun little adventure that was kinda neither fun nor an adventure, I decided to help make up for her 3-day forced liquid diet by treating everyone to pizza from Strawberry Cones.
...what? Okay, yes, maybe I was looking for an excuse to go back there. But they all enjoyed it, and isn't that what matters? And lookit! I finally snapped pictures before we destroyed it this time.
After dinner we all got lost in Hollywood and decided to be creepers and drive around random neighborhoods in Beverly Hills. Fun stuff. Stressful few days. I slept like a baby last night x_x