Into the wild...

Apr 11, 2008 16:17

I went to see Sean Penn's film INTO THE WILD last night with sakirmo. Yes, it finally opened here in Turku. I've always liked his films but what REALLY made me want to see this was the soundtrack by Eddie Vedder. I've had the cd for a couple of months now and I loved hearing the songs on the big screen! Some gave me even shivers... The movie itself was very good, interesting and beautiful but also too long. At least I didn't have any trouble staying awake as I had to squirm on my seat for the last 30 minutes.

Sanna and I also ate out last Saturday at a new nepalese restaurant here in Turku. The food was really yummy (Murgh Korma) and there was plenty of it! And the atmosphere was nice, too, so I warmly recommend the restaurant to all you Turku people!

We've been reasonably healthy except that Ellen has a bad ass cough right now. :( But the very sick February took its toll and we've been rather tired lately. Ellen's such a big girl already, you guys should see her! She talks longish sentences (sometimes mixing languages) and sings a lot. She even sings bits of "Yesterday" as Micke often sings to her when going to bed. Heh... She's such a joyful little creature and we keep "laughing" at her (or behind her back secretly) when she says funny or clever things. :) She's discovered The Moomins now and could watch them all the time, and she wants to sleep with her stuffed Moomin toys among several other toys...

My parents visited us before Easter and we went to the Caribia spa one morning. It was a lot of fun, I enjoyed all the slides again and E loved playing in the water. It was her first time in a spa/swimming hall but I didn't think twice she wouldn't like it. Too bad it's rather expensive to go there but every now and then...

I also took the chance and went to driving school to take my "part two" lessons: one day I drove with the teacher for 90 minutes and he told me what I was doing right and wrong, the whole thing was for my own benefit as we also talked about economic driving. I was so happy when the teacher didn't have anything (!) to critisize (sp?)! I was the best driver he had seen -- but then again he had been a teacher for 3 months only. Heheh! Anyway, it was very interesting. Then the second day a bunch of us headed to the "slippery circuit" outside Turku to first practice driving on icy or otherwise slippery situations for three hours and then driving in the dark for two hours. Tough to be driving so much but very interesting and hopefully useful in the future. And on the third day there were two hours of theory lessons... Now I'm all done with driving school and will get my permanent license in a couple of weeks. YAY!

We spent the Easter in Kaskinen, at Micke's parents place. It was a very cold but snowless Easter filled with too much chocolate. Eww... Next up is probably a trip to Jyväskylä around May Day. We'll be spending some time at the cottage, also meeting friends and going to the movies TOGETHER with Micke as the last movies we saw together were The Simpsons & Planet Hell ages ago... :-( Who wants to babysit Ellen so we could go out more often?

We're also planning a trip to Berlin in July. We really should book it this weekend...

I'm still at work. Booooooring to sit here until 5pm. I took a book (Elizabeth Kostova's "The Historian") with me so maybe I'll spend the last 45 minutes reading it... Have a nice weekend everyone!

OH --- I'd like to do the photo meme, too, like so many of you so feel free to request something you'd like to see a photo of and I'll fulfill your request! :)
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