(no subject)

Mar 12, 2008 11:20

This is f**ked up. Micke started throwing up again last night, three (!) weeks after he last did it - when the whole family suffered from the very persistant stomach bug that is bothering many people in Southern Finland. And I feel sick, too, but I'm at work.

Ellen didn't show any signs this morning and I truly hope she won't get it. We eventually took her to the doctor when she threw up for the third separate time in 2.5 weeks. I think the third time was just because her stomach was all bloated (?) and made weird sounds. The doctor's comment was that sometimes a stomach bug makes a child's stomach intolerant to milk and that seems to be the case - we stopped giving Ellen milk and her stomach problems vanished. I tried with milk some time afterwards and she was so full of gas after 2dl of milk. :(   She eats yoghurt, cheese and icecream alright. I hope she can start drinking milk, too, soon as she likes it a lot.

But boy am I fed up with sicknesses at the moment and I blame this weird stupid warm winter. We need coldness to kill off all the bugs and I don't remember if we've had a single day with -10C or colder. Just rain.  :(
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