Oct 04, 2007 02:23
Been having far too many late nights lately, really shouldn't be like this. I should be sleeping reasonable hours and being responsible. But I've really not felt like doing this, I've leant toward staying up very late indeed. This nearly cost me yesterday-morning since I failed to get up when the alarm sounded. Luckily I happened to get woken up by the door closing, and I got to University very quickly.
I wanted to be a little early for university today so I could make sure my enrollment form was correct. Since I had time to spare I headed straight to dylan's bar so I could enjoy the traditional bacon roll and tea. Bacon rolls and tea is enough to justify going to university.
I enrolled and got my long-awaited student card. So it's time to spend-spend-spend, only I don't have any available funds. I do have university savings but I'm not willing to touch them at the moment. I should have some better money coming in soon, but I'll always be on a budget from now on.
After I enrolled, I had to meet some of the other guys so we could discuss the presentation we're to give later today. It won't take us very long to run through the slides and it only needs to be about 3 minutes long, so not a big ask!
I should recieve the long-awaited class-schedule, which will be most interesting. It's what I've wanted all week! I pray it's not jam-packed. I would really hate this, I think it would be intolerable. Still much to experience at University yet.
late nights,