Jul 27, 2010 13:20
I find it weird that every summer I expect that I'll be spending the majority of my time on LiveJournal, but when the time finally comes around I end up spending a significantly less amount of time here than normal. It's not like I'm doing anything important, or even just regular busywork. This is the first summer I've had with nothing going on. No sumer school, no camp, no big trips, nothing. The most I've done is a bit of volunteer work and gotten up to a second interview for a job for which I was never called back for.
Oh! I also finally got around to finishing BTVS. I watched it as much as I could when It was on the air when I was really little, but at that age I was afraid of everything and had to stop because it all scared me too much. Why do I also fall in love with English libririans who are older than my own father shows that have either ended, or are coming close to ending?
Also, being the responsible student I am, I waited until there is less than a month before school starts to finish my summer book...that I still need to write a 5 page essay on. Fuck you, Capote and managing to take an interesting story and make it as dull as possible! Well, just the middle was boring, but it was like a 100 page snorefest that I was supposed to be paying attention to. And of course while I should start to outline my paper, or you know, figure out what I should even write about, I've developed an addiction to Tumblr. *headdesk*
anthony head,