Transcript 2/3 of audio commentary Merlin 1x10 The Moment of Truth

May 19, 2009 08:38

Audio commentary Merlin 1x10 The Moment of Truth

Part two of three

[12:39 Merlin “miss you too Will”]
KM: so beautiful {claps}
[12 48: Merlin “no I wouldn’t say I’m a scivvy” Arthur “Merlin!”]
[12:57 Will stares at Merlin]
CM: {bumpkin voice} oops don’t think he likes Arthur
BJ: Who does?
AC: not many people do do they?
CM: hmmm
BJ: who does?
[13:04 Arthur “I know Kanens kind. He’ll be back…”]
BJ: no you don’t
CM: It was freezing this day wasn’t it I remember this being really really cold
BJ: speak for yourself
AC: we’re all pretty cold
BJ: I’ve got about sixteen layers on there

[13:21 Will “yeh and I’m Prince William of Ealdor”]
BJ: I just give a bit of a pout then
BJ: alright Prince William of Ealdor, how ya doin’?
{Angel laughs}
KM: wasn’t there an extra here who kept interrupting?
BJ: there’s an old guy basically every time the camera turns on me I didn’t have any of these people who are in the crowd so I was talking to about three people erm but when you turn around there’s a little old guy on the corner who was sort of told they were sort of encouraged to kindof go with the flow of the scene and theres a guy who’s kept on going {Irish voice} ‘sure lets fight!’/
AC: you can’t see him
BJ: I’m blocking him, damn me {voice} ‘fight!’
CM: although these guys were absolutely brilliant/
BJ: {voice} ‘I’ll join ya!’/
CM: they were absolutely brilliant like/
BJ: {voice} ‘me too’/
CM: like the whole day they were cause it was pretty tough trying to keep up your energy I think and they were all brilliant/
KM: well it was horrible weather and we kept having to stop filming and go inside for y’know twenty minutes half an hour they really did keep everything going/
[14:23 scene Merlin and Will in the barn]
BJ: that chicken…
AC: the chicken was really friendly
BJ: that chicken was on set/
CM: the whole time/
BJ: the whole time
KM: and it went where it want as well, you couldn’t control the chicken it was like the pigs when the pigs got out//
AC: you could like pick it up and stroke it and stuff…really friendly it didn’t run away
CM: I bet it really missed us when we left
AC: yeh I bet it did, poor little chicken
CM: {small sad voice} oh back to talking to the pigs
AC: doh is that what they sound like, chickens?
CM: yeh.
CM: sound a bit like the black knight
AC: you do
AC: Colin I’ll get you to (__?) your chicken impressions in future
CM: brilliant, thank you.
KM: we’re supposed to be talking about the episode
[15:00: Will “and see who he sends in to die first”]
CM: Joe was great in this wasn’t he?
AC: its nice to see you back in your village/ in your back story/
CM: yeh I mean that’s the thing about this you don’t know Merlin’s past and well although you’re seeing his village in this you still don’t know anything about his sort of upbringing other than his mate here but yeh it is good
KM: oh quite cool at the start there when we first started filming you got sort of a few ideas from the producers of what we were going to have coming up and I know this was one of the ones that you were told you would go visit the village and to see how it comes out/ and how it changes and how its different from what you imagine its quite cool though to see it realised

[15:45 scene Arthur and Merlin resting ready to sleep]
BJ: there’s one of my favourite bits coming up here Colin didn’t like it but I was a particular fan you’ll see why in a minute
KM: because your feet are in his face/
BJ: OH YEH will you just whoa we’ve just spoilt it now haven’t we
KM: no _I’ve_ spoilt it
BJ: ah-oh terrific
[16:03: Arthur “nice”]
BJ: Nice
[16:09: Arthur “why’da leave?”]
KM: {voice} why’da leave?
[16:15: Arthur rubs his foot on Merlin’s face, Merlin fights it off]
AC: Doh NO!!
KM: God!!
BJ: that is definitely my favourite bit
AC: did you do that in rehearsals or not/
BJ: No
{girls giggle}
AC: you just sprung it on him/
BJ: I waited until it was Colin’s take and then Colin complained to the director/
AC: did you?
KM: did you?/
CM: {shy} no I didn’t/
BJ: and made me do/
AC: Colin wouldn’t complain to the director/
BJ: well he did/
CM: it was, I/
BJ: he did it in a Colin way/
CM: {indignant} I didn’t complain I was like it’s a special moment d’ya know wha’ I mean in this bit yeh/
KM: obviously David didn’t agree with you because he kept it in/
BJ: he did it in the Colin way of {shy Irish voice} ‘er David…would it be alright if we didn’t do this but tried it as well?’ so basically did one without so that they had both but obviously David saw the/
CM: liked the foot in the face/
BJ: yeh…saw the brilliance of the moment.

[16:54 scene Hunith hands bowl of gruel to Arthur]
BJ: how did it smell {Katie gasps} - my foot?/
KM: how many times did you have to eat this?/
CM: like chicken/
AC: urgh God yeh I had to eat it
BJ: so my feet smell like chicken?
AC: it wasn’t very nice at all
CM: what was that? [referring to the gruel?]
BJ: it was like paper maché wasn’t it?
AC: yeh basically like cardboard with a bit of water
KM: but we had to the scene so many times and you had to keep on eating it…I don’t think it was lovely
AC: no, it was not lovely.
KM: Colin, your mother’s cooking
CM: what? What are you saying about my mother’s cooking?
BJ: saying that’s why you moved out
{Colin chuckles}
BJ: of Ealdor
BJ: a decent meal

[17:31 Hunith talking of Arthur to Merlin “give him more credit than that - he likes you”]
KM: Yes, he does
{quiet chuckles}
BJ: Dubious really
BJ: tolerates I think is prob’ly more accurate description
[scene Will follows Merlin into the coppice. Merlin has an axe]
KM: I don’t remember this bit
AC: again {giggles}
BJ: I should make the audience aware that Katie suffers from amnesia/
KM: no Katie suffers from stupidity/
BJ: we’ve sent her, to…you know, various doctors
KM: but I don’t remember you going off and doing it that’s what I mean
CM: think you were the log that we sat on later in the scene here
KM: nice to know you have such a high opinion of me Colin thank you.
[18:12 Will and Merlin sit down]
CM: there y’are {chuckles}
AC: both of you sit on her at the same time
BJ: ooh
CM: surprisingly comfortable really
KM: did you have to redo this? Was there something here that you had to reshoot?
BJ: {shy irish voice} get off me! {laughter}
CM: No there was aah/
KM: this is just a shambles isn’t it!
CM: c’mon guys we’ve got a/
AC: yeh keep it together
CM: /serious scene here y’know?
KM: ok ok sorry sorry what are you talking about cause I don’t remember it?
BJ: I was quite genuinely erm commentating on the episode
AC: what happens in this scene Colin what’s going on?
[18:47 both Merlin and Will stand up]
BJ: {shy Irish voice} ‘aah that feels better’
CM: hair looks really weird in that scene Katie, kind of twiggy {sniggers}
KM: {giggles} oh my God
AC: {giggles} twiggy!! {laughs}
BJ: Colin would like to apologise for that last erm (?)
KM: I’m actually crying with laughter here
AC: Oh dear
KM: Seriously what happened in the scene cause I didn’t hear any of that
BJ: erm well basically every scene that William is in he gives someone a guilt trip so I reckon that William gave Merlin a guilt trip…was I right?
CM: more or less I mean yeh as you say William does I mean its great because y’know Joe played it quite well it’s the y’know he’s the friend that was left behind whenever Merlin left Ealdor and you’re coming back and y’know I don’t think he ever forgive me for it sort of thing so its its/
BJ: while we’re filming this training sequence erm I don’t know if you’ll catch glimpses of me trying to keep a straight face because every time I kept looking over at Jonathan who’s playing Matthew he kept like making his character as clumsy and as stupid as possible and he’s a very funny person basically/
CM: there he is
AC: {giggling} you can tell
BJ: and there’s me trying to keep a straight face and not ruining the take you can see like that I’m about to stifle a laugh here I think
KM: you can see it there! {laughter}
AC: I think I’d be smiling in this scene
BJ: yeh it was quite convenient I’d be stifling a laugh

[20:23 scene Arthur drinking water from the well]
KM: girl power.
KM: you kept throwing the water at me as well, the water he was drinking
CM: really?
BJ: I was throwing it out the cup I suppose I shouldn’t be wasting water really but it just conveniently landed on your feet
AC: convenient
[21:06 scene Merlin asleep, Morgana and Gwen resting]
BJ: Colin we haven’t had any say what you see so far recently what huh/
{Colin snorts}
AC: Colin!
BJ: very good very good
[21:17 Morgana and Gwen quietly talk to each other]
CM: those doubles really look like you guys don’t they?
AC: amazing
[21:21 Merlin resting looking to distance listening to Morgana and Gwen]
BJ: bed. face/
AC: Colin
KM: I’m missing this say what you see…just saying what you see am I being stupid again/
AC: yes, Bradley?
BJ: wha? well its what Colin was er started to do earlier
[21:34 Arthur “…mobility and drawing them into a trap”]
BJ: ooh that’s a good plan.
[21:36 scream, villagers rush out into village]
AC: Oh dear!
KM: she was actually great this extra wasn’t she/
BJ: to be fair I was gonna say
CM: to be fair she was brilliant wasn’t she
BJ: to be fair that’s not actually the one though the one I think you’re gonna be quite impressed by in a minute is coming up
KM: was really good and really went for it
BJ: they literally just said do that
AC: was she an actress though?
KM: no she was just an extra I think
AC: but you’re sure she hadn’t done some acting? I think she had
BJ: well either way
KM: but she was very good though

[22:01 Arthur rips note from arrow on body, Merlin “what does it say?”]
AC: a supporting artist
BJ: party tonight, eight o’clock see you there {laughter}
[girl from village comes running to the body]
KM: here she is, she was really good
CM: yeh she was brilliant wasn’t she
BJ: y’know that can be there’s a lot of people watching her she really went for it
KM: and every time she did because I heard her quite a few times on there
[22:22 scene villagers standing looking at the body]
BJ: I think that’s the owner of the, the guy with the erm ginger moustache is that guy to the left of Joe is one of the chaps whose/
AC: who runs the place/
BJ: who runs the place, and gradually got less and less friendly as the shoot went on and the ground got muddier and muddier/
AC: they still had grass at this point though didn’t they
BJ: yeh
AC: the grass soon disappeared
KM: was quite glad to leave it though by the end of it

[22:55 scene: Will’s barn, Merlin confronts Will trying to leave]
BJ: a plush pad
KM: and they doubled as our green rooms when we weren’t filming so you got to sit on directors chairs in two feet of mud
[23:23 Will “if you used your magic then no-one else would have to die”]
CM: going to give me a little bit of a guilt trip
BJ: ah that’s…new
AC: he’s jealous really
BJ: Oh
KM: why is every episode everything your fault?
CM: my fault?
KM: yeh
CM: it always is
KM: it is, always down to you
BJ: you’re probably the only one who takes the blame really anyone else just says shutup its not my fault whereas you go {shy Irish voice} ‘I’m sorry’/
CM: {sniggers} I actually believe you/
BJ: yeh

[23:43 scene Arthur and Merlin sitting outside Hunith’s cottage
CM: d’yah remember in the close-ups on this it was erm/
BJ: throwing it down/
CM: yeh it was bucketing rain so they had to put a little erm shelter over us/
BJ: yeh, and all the crew are standing there getting absolutely soaked and we’re there
KM: yeh but they’re actually wearing jackets y’know so that maybe/
BJ: this shot here right its absolutely throwing it down
CM: yeh
BJ: thanks to the impressive work of the team you cannot tell
AC: yeh amazing you cannot tell
KM: the magic of film
[24:23 Arthur “they haven’t got a clue”]
BJ: who we looking at?
CM: raindrops just fallin’

[25:02 scene Arthur in the barn with all the villagers]
AC: this is Bradley’s Big Speech
CM: funny moment with the crew, tell them
BJ: oh d’you want me to do the speech as I did to the crew?
AC: No! yeh go on
[25:16 Gwen “…as much right as the men do”]
BJ: alright, chill out
KM: and all the women step forward very very poignant
BJ: its not going to have the same effect actually without the crew actually being in shot
CM: just give people the gist of what it was
BJ: erm {chuckles} yeh…erm…epic
CM: yeh we can cut that bit out {laughs}
BJ: well it was a moment shared between me and the crew
BJ: it was glorious.
BJ: {chuckles} there was a guy in this crowd who every time I looked over erm I’ve just been poked so I’ll watch what I say {girls giggle} who every time I looked over kept taking a massive gulp like a real comic comedy gulp which again er meant I had to keep a straight face
[26:25 Arthur “so you fight”]
CM: epic moment this
KM: and epic music to go with it
[26:34 Arthur and all the villagers chanting “Ealdor! Ealdor!”]
KM: I made a very distinct decision there that I wasn’t going to chant
KM: I was like no I’m not doing that/
AC: no I wouldn’t chant
KM: Morgana wouldn’t do that nah and I don’t want to
CM: cheers Morgana
KM: you’re welcome. I’m a lady I can’t be seen to be chanting/
AC: {voice} I’m a lady?
CM: this is my home village like!
AC: look at your stance
CM: Bradley has taken the whole desk
AC: Bradley has taken a very masterful shall we say?
KM: he’s been inspired by his performance



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