CLASSMATES (22/?) part 3

Sep 06, 2010 00:36

Chapter 22 part 3

"Ne mama, how's jii-chan? Is he well?" Shuri asked Shi.

"Yes baby, jii-chan's fine.. next time I'll let you accompany me 'kay?" Shi told her daughter.

"Okay mama, hmm, what about your work? Shuji-anchan told me you're skipping meals..that's bad mama.." Shuri inquired.

"Oh, sorry.. your brother is always observant as ever..don't worry, I won't skip meals again.. where is shuji anyway?" she asked her daughter. They were sitting on the sofa with Shuri on the beanbag playing with her guitar and she was reading her script for tomorrow.

"Ah, an-chan's gone to practice." Shuri told her mom, while happily strumming on her guitar.

"Practice for what?"

"Eh? Didn't we tell you ma? School's  foundation day.. we're performing live."Shuri informed her delightedly. Her daughter seemed excited.

"Wow. Gomen ne~ I forgot, so what are you playing exactly?" She asked her daughter, more interested now than a while ago.

"Hmmm, an-chan will be on drums, and a lil bit of guitar I guess.. although the group say he should sing as well.. " Shuri explained.

"And what about my little girl? What will you be playing?"

"Hmm, I will be on keyboard, and a guitar as well.. right now, we're still unsure, because we're deciding on what ARASHI song we'll cover." the girl hummed charmingly.

"ARASHI? You mean. Nino's group? Eh? Why?" Shi asked curiously.

"This year's guest is their group mama, so the participants were asked to perform using their songs like dance, interpretative, speech choir, in our case, since we're performing live, we'll gonna do a cover song., oh I remember you're not familiar with their songs right Ma?" Shuri glanced at her.

Before Shi could react, the phone rings. Shuri got up to answer it,"Moshi, moshi. An-chan? Hai. I'll be on my way then. Gomen.. I was too absorbed in playing with my guitar that I forgot.. [waits for the other line] Hai. Okay, I'll tell mom. Hai. Ja~ mata ne!" and put down the phone. Shuri then turned to her mom, and smiled.

"Mama, Shuji said we'll be practicing until 9pm.. I need to go there too.. it seemed they had already decided on what song we'll cover. Can I go ma?" Shuri asked tenderly. She knew that there's a possibility that Shi wouldn't allow her.

"Oh.. and did your brother notified you as to how how are you supposed to go home that late?" Shi inquired.

"Hai. He asked me to tell you if you could pick us.. can I go please kaa-chan? He said he knows that you're busy, but we have no choice, unless you want us to practice here.." Shuri said cunningly. They knew that their mom was always wary about visitors so the idea is a big NO.

"Hey, are you threatening your mom little girl?" Shi asked both in annoyance and hilarity. Her kids sure know her well, up to her deepest bone. Although, for the past weeks she's been receiving visitors frequently.. but since she had work to do, it’s a bother attending to visitors especially if they're kids. "Okay, fine. Just until 9pm 'kay? No extensions. And behave. Do you want me to send you there Shuri?"

"Hmm, no need mom.. one of my classmate will pick me up in the station..don't worry kaa-chan, I'll be fine ne~" Shuri assured her while fixing the stuffs she will be needing on their rehearsal.. just as about she was encasing her guitar, her mother spoke.

"Um, okay.. just bring this then.. in case you need me, just call." And handed Shuri two mobile phones. As possible, she didn't want to give her kids their phone yet, but since the situation calls for it, she had no choice.

"Uwaa~thanks kaa-chan" Shuri hugged and kissed her on the cheek. Before leaving, Shuri said, "Ma, in case you want to listen to ARASHI's song, their cds' were on the rack. Ja~ see you later ma." and strode out.

After her daughter left, Shi continued reading the script, but her curiosity as to what kind of songs Nino's group were singing was enough to make her leave the script and scan through the cd rack, found a case with 嵐 on it, Arashi.. and insert the disc to the player. The first song played.. and Shi was amazed at how pleasant the intro was..

Wanting to make the sunset I saw with you on that day last forever
Within my memory I reached out to touch you over and over, but

The same scenery and feelings will never return again
So I'll surely turn to look back at the shining dream from my past

Even in the brand new future, sadness spills over
Staining the heart, making everyone stop in place and lose sight of it…

In the midst of the changing seasons
What color will we paint tomorrow?
If we can strongly, strongly believe in each other
What color future will be waiting?

It was a sad song, Shi thought.. and without noticing, tears flowed from her eyes as memories of the past started to crawl all over again, harmonizing with the song from ARASHI..

Even the most precious memory will fade someday
So I averted my eyes from reality and ran away to hide behind the word "dream"

Even if the broken yesterday was nothing but a mistake
It's not too late, you can start over as many times as it takes

In the midst of the changing ages
How many times will I love someone?
If we can deeply, deeply support each other
What will I be able to do for you?.....

"ii tai nani desu ka?". I said with a hint of sadness in my face.

"Gomen, idols really dont have time to play, can we end this?", Sho told me. I can't understand the expression he's wearing. It was apparent that he's hurt as well, but why was he saying things that were different from that expression?

"nani de.. after what happened,.. besides i didn't know that you're an artist in japan..nani shite iru yo?". I  said, tears starts flowing from my eyes and Sho looked as if he couldn't help it.

"Gomen ne,.about what happened last night, even though you're only sixteen,you get it right?..after all you're a genius.... i am an exchange student and since school ended, my schedule wont allow me to stay further.., Im leaving for Japan tomorrow.." Sho said without looking at me, maybe it is too painful for him to see me crying.


"Sayonara..i hope you will be able to realize your dreams.. ganbatte ne.." those were his last words to me..

"Please don't leave" I wanna tell him, but I knew right away that he had chosen his future, and that future doesn't include me..

Piling upon each other deep in my heart
Joy and sadness, warmth and hatred
The days we shared after our chance meeting
Are surely etched into my heart forever

In the midst of the changing seasons
What color will we paint tomorrow?
If we can strongly, strongly believe in each other
What color future will be waiting?

What color will we paint tomorrow?

Shi wiped the tears off from her eyes as the music stopped. When will I stop averting my eyes from the reality that I still loved him, and will always will?.. Shi thought as she recalled the lyrics of the song. She didn't know why, but listening to their song gave off a sad feeling deep within her. She stopped the player, the song was enough. If the other songs will let her remember her past, its best not to hear it again.

links will be available in master list.. lj won't allow me to post it here since it will be too large,,
updates will probably be next week^^

thanks to taiji project for the english translation.


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