CLASSMATES (22/?) part 1

Sep 05, 2010 22:10

A/N:been wanting to post this chap, but my life was really a messed right now.. so please bear with me.. *sigh
although, of all the chapters i'd written so far, this was one of my favorites..



"Cutttt" the director called. "Good work you two, that's it for today."

The shooting had gone smoothly for the past couple of days with her mom's connection, or more to say 'her money'. After paying quite a sum of money due to termination of contract with the management in-charge with lake shikaribetsu, the location was able to change to lake yamanaka, one of the five fuji lake region. The place was accessible this time that Shi could go home immediately without having someone, especially Nino to trouble with her kids. As soon as their shooting ended, Shi started arranging her things and was off to leave before Ohno approached her.

"Anou~ you're in a hurry?" Ohno asked.

"Hai. Gomen Ohno-kun, I have things to do at home so I can't stay that long." She told him without looking. Shi was about to leave when Ohno reaches for her hand. Now she's calling him Ohno and not Satoshi,  that means something. Usually when a person shifts to addressing formally, it suggests civility.

"Wait, I understand if you're mad but at least accept this." Ohno said and handed her a small pouch.

"What's this?" she furrowed her eyebrows. She's not used to people who suddenly hold her hand out of nowhere.

"You'll know when you open it." Ohno hinted.

"Oh, okay. I'm really sorry, I have to go." She turned around keeping the pouch on her coat's pocket and started to leave, but before she can walk away, she glanced back at Ohno and smiled, "Hey, Im not mad 'kay? Just really busy these days. Please bear with me."

Ohno smiled, shouted, "Its Satoshi ne~ remember!" and waved goodbye. He's wondering what's up with her these past days. Angel seemed busier than usual, even during breaks, she wouldn't converse with anyone except if its something to do with filming. A lot had changed ever since that incident.

On the other hand, not a single soul knows what's keeping Shi busy. Agreeing with her mom is entirely a not so good idea. She was forced to do extra work now that she had agreed to practice her profession again. Not that she dislike it, afterall, she wouldn't have accepted it at all if she's against it.. just that, doing two things at the same time, takes a lot of effort. Her routine- sending the twins to school, filming, fetching the kids, go home, cook, and work on floor plans is definitely tiring. Especially the floor plan thing because it needs a lot of thinking and skills.

She was engrossed on her work that night on the same day when Nino paid a visit.  She had no choice but to leave her work and hide her stuffs- drafting tools, paper, model(which she had recreated because the one displayed in JE building is quite bigger and will used up her workspace) with the help of her kids.

"You do have a lot of free time for an idol Nino." She teased when they were seated in her living room.

"Hmmm, iie, actually I still have a photoshoot at 11pm." Nino sipped his tea.

"Eh? Why so late? And I remembered, you're concert tour have started right?" she was confused.

"Hmmm, yeah. That's exactly why its so late. Because the guys had other work too..its the only time we have in common."

"ah sou ka." Shi nodded.

"How bout you? Oh-chan told me that you seemed busier than usual.. what's up?" Nino asked. The part where it was Ohno who told him was lie because the truth is, Nino was the one who kept pestering their leader about Angel everytime they see each other which Ohno find very amusing.

"Ah, you see, mom gave me some work.." Shi darted her eyes on the other way before answering. She doesn't want to lie, but have no choice. Although, no one can't say that she's exactly lying since it was her mom who got her to work with Johnny.  But of course Shi can't tell Nino that.

"Hmmm, about your Mom, I had a feeling that I have seen her somewhere, I just can't remember where." Nino commented.

"Ah you probably have seen her in some business stuff." She told him casually. Deep down, she was nervous that Nino would push through the topic, but was relieved when Nino didn't.

"Ah, maybe." Nino wondered, but Angel seemed reluctant about the topic.

"Oh, I remembered, Satoshi-san gave me something!" Shi stand and walk towards the coat hanger beside their door, and pulled the small pouch on one of her coat's pocket; and went back to the living room.

"Kireii.." Shi was speechless. Ohno's talent never ceased to amaze her.

In front of her, Nino gave off a grim expression. Now he knew who it was that Ohno gave it to-Angel. He can't hold it any longer, the feeling of jealousy which leads him to blurt out loudly: "I love you!" and stand to take his leave. When he was at the door ready to open the knob, he felt a tug on his shirt. It was Angel. Before he could turn around, Angel hugged him from the back, making it so that he wouldn't be able to face her.

"Please don't. I'm really happy that I met you Nino. It had been 5years the last time I trusted a guy. Ever since I met you, and your group, it gave me the feeling that not all guys are jerks; especially you Nino, since it was you whom I first met. Your sweetness, your concern, especially towards my kids, I am really grateful for that.   The moments I've spent with you, even after our work together, I hold it special in my heart. Our friendship meant a lot to me.. so please, please don't love me as a girl.." Angel started to cry. She really liked Nino as friend. That's why it grieved her to turn him down like that. But right now, she wasn't ready to open her heart.. or maybe would not be ready at all. She felt sadness crept over her entire being as the fact that she might lose the friendship started to dwell on her thoughts.

Nino felt slightly taken aback recognizing the dampness on his shirt because of Angel's tears. She was trembling while saying those words. Nino wished he hadn't confessed at all. It was lonely being turned down, but making the girl he loves cry, was a lot worse. Nino turned around to wipe off the tears from her eyes and poked her forehead before saying: "Baka! Don't take it too seriously.. It was only a joke okay?" He managed to say despite the stabbing feeling in his heart. He ignored the pain since Angel's smile mattered more to him.

"Oh.. really.. I see… sorry.." Angel said in broken sobs. She looked directly in Nino's eyes confirming the words he had said, but the latter look on the other side, not meeting her's. She knew right away, she knew that Nino was just pretending..pretending that it wasn't painful at all..Angel was lost at what to do that she cried once again, this time not for her own selfish sentiments but for him, for Nino who love her so much that he chose not to burden her with his feelings.

"There, there.. don't cry.. silly…you're not a kid anymore." Nino said while rubbing her back.

To Nino's surprise, Angel embraced him once more before letting go. "Thank you Nino.." She said and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Hai, hai. Take care okay?" Nino bit his lip. He opened the door and leave without waiting for Angel's reply. Tears started to fall from his eyes the moment he step outside, but did not felt regret at all, that he let his chance slipped away. He couldn't tell when he will be able to let go of his love for her. Right at that moment, it was his sweetest downfall.

Inside the apartment, Shi sat on the floor with her back against the door, letting the coldness it emits negate the fiery emotion she felt at the moment; thinking to herself that Nino was such a nice guy, and he doesn't deserve a broken person like her before she falls on a deep slumber.

"haat..tchu.!" Angel sneezed. Sleeping on the floor was a bad thing. She had caught colds before realizing it.

"Are you okay ma'am?" It was the same receptionist again. Shi have no filming engagement that day so she thought it was a nice time to visit the man she considered indebted to and discuss the details of the contract. As to the associates and upper management, she had no trouble with them during meeting, since it was Johnny who recommended her given her credentials. But the one scary thing about it, is the expectation whether she could do it or not. Basically, there was still no formal agreement until she presents the project and gets the sponsors to agree.

"Yes, Im fine. Just caught colds last night, anyway, Is Johnny-san here right now?" She asked the receptionist.

"Hai, ma'am. He was in his office. I will check if he's available at the moment and if he wants to speak with you." The receptionist told her, without troubling to ask her name which had surprised her.

"Moshi, moshi secretary-san, is boss there?" [waits for the other line to response] "Hai, please ask if he would want to speak with Miss Angel, she's here at the lobby" [waits again] "Okay, thank you." The receptionist lowered the phone and turned to her. "Its okay, boss was just talking to one of the idols, he said he would meet you, so you can straightly go to his office and the secretary will assist you while you wait."

"Hmm, thank you, but how did you know me? I mean, have we met before?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am, the first time was also here. I just remembered your name since you are so pretty." The receptionist smiled.

"Ah sou ka.. I'll be going then.. what floor?" Shi smiled back and asked.

"Ah,  8th floor ma'am, the room at the end of the hall." The receptionist replied.

"Okay, ja~" Shi said before leaving.


The number 8 button lit up indicating that it was already on the 8th floor. The elevator door opens, and Shi's world suddenly stopped moving upon seeing the face of a man she least expected to see. Sho-chan…she said without a voice and gasped. She didn't know why, but her heart skipped a beat watching the man focused on the newspaper he was reading. He hadn't change his habit since then..Shi grab the chance to step out of the elevator before the man notice her; but before she was able to clear out of sight, on that few seconds- with the elevator doors slightly opened, Sho raised his head curiously to have a glimpse of her, enough to recognize her, to call her name, "SHI!" and the elevator doors closed.


Shi heaved a sigh. She was sitting on a couch inside Johnny's office. She was not sure if Sho recognized her. She couldn't based it from the fact that he had called her name, since she herself wasn't sure if its really her name he spoke out. She was sure that she was not in sight when he noticed her presence. She can't be distracted now.. it's too troubling that Sho was in the same building, is he a Johnny? she thought. The best way to know is ask Johnny. But it will bother her more if she does that. Shi draws a long heavy sigh.

"That was quite a heavy there a problem dear?" Johnny observed the girl whom he considered her grandchild.

"Ne Johnny-jiichan, can I ask something?" Shi inquired with serious eyes.

Johnny couldn't help it, its been ages since Shi called him that. It only meant one thing.. the child was deeply troubled. "Yes dear, anything."

"What was Sho doing here?" she asked in a distant manner.

"Oh, that… so you'd seen him.." Johnny said. It was not a question , it was a statement.  For once, he was lost for words.

"yeah.. in the elevator,.From that reaction, I could tell that you're not surprised at all jii-chan." she bowed her head in frustration.

"Oh sorry dear.. not that I expected it to happen, but it was possible to bump across with that guy since he just came here.. it was him whom I was talking with when you called. That's why I'm not surprised."

"Ah.. wait~ you said he's the one you're having conversation with..wait, you told him? HOW DARE YOU JII-chan.." she glared at Johnny.

"Whoa~ easy there my child.. yes I was talking to him- but its not about what you think. It was purely something to do with this industry. Rest your thoughts dear." Johnny tried to assured her.

"And what it is that he needed to come here just to talk.. what was he doing her anyway?" Shi aked irritated.

"That's because he's from here child. He's a Johnny." He told Shi casually.

"Huh? You never told me that he's a Johnny! You're mean jii-chan!" Shi covered her face to hide her already flustered face to Johnny. She can't believe that he could do that to her.

"Hey, stop that.. surely you didn't come here just to whine about that, are you?" Johnny teased her.

"Of course not, Im here for exactly different purpose, but, I still can't forgive that you hide that fact from me. It was so cunning Johnny." Shi told him sarcastically.

"Oh well, now you're calling me Johnny again? Has anyone told you that you're quite something Shi?" Johnny told her in a business-like manner.

"Yeah,.. I've been told a lot these past days. Anyway, I came here to discuss the project.."

"Oh, okay, let me hear it then..…."

CHAPTER 21[2/2] l CHAPTER 21[1/2]CHAPTER 20[2/2] l CHAPTER 20[1/2] l l Sho's drabble l CHAPTER 19 l l CHAPTER 18 l l CHAPTER 17 l CHAPTER 16 l l CHAPTER 15 lside chapter l chapter 14 I CHAPTER 13 l CHAPTER 12 [2/2] l CHAPTER 12[1/2]l CHAPTER 11l CHAPTER 10l CHAPTER 9l CHAPTER 8lCHAPTER 7l CHAPTER 6[2/2]l CHAPTER 6[1/2]l CHAPTER5l CHAPTER 4l CHAPTER 3l CHAPTER 2l CHAPTER 1l PROLOGUE
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